🌎 A common theme in our change-oriented world is an increasing focus on the Customer. 🔎
Review three of the best courses for CX and Process Transformation. In fact, the BPGs best selling programs.
Three programs focused on helping YOU and your organisation become more customer-centric, efficient and effective.
Three of the best BPG Programs – Make Your Choice! #acxm #cppm #cjmp (cemnext.com)
Ready to take your customer experience strategy to the next level? Visit Three of the best BPG Programs – Make Your Choice! to learn more about our offerings. 🚀

“This course provided a terrific holistic framework for how I can more richly think about how MOTs connect to Customer Experience and Customer Journey Management. It’s a terrific program that I’d recommend and encourage Professionals to strongly consider.”
L.G. Lavengood Outstanding Professor of the Year Award (2022)
Jim Lecinski, Professor, Kellogg School of Management
(Jim is the creator of ZMOTs and Micro MOTs as a VP at Google 2006-2018)
Connect with Steve: https://linktr.ee/SteveTowers