🌎 The ongoing challenge for any business is Growing Revenues, Improving Service and Reducing Costs. The best examples can do this simultaneously.
Doing that is called winning the Triple Crown 👑
20 years ago, I worked with a multinational company on a massive transformation program. One day, my colleague had an epiphany: if we could simplify work, we could lower costs.
And if we could achieve successful customer outcomes (SCO) more quickly and with fewer bumps in the road, we would grow revenue.
But that wasn’t enough for us. We wanted to improve service measurably by better aligning our transformation and the resulting processes and experiences with the SCO.
So we set out to create something new and exciting. We called it Triple Crown, and it was first introduced in a book I co-wrote in 2006 called “Customer Expectation Management – Success without Expectation”.
Since then, Triple Crown has become our go-to offering and has often helped us deliver for our client’s double-digit growth.
If you want to know more about Triple Crown benefits and how to implement the approach that makes it real (within days) reach out for a 15-30 minute conversation here:

“This course provided a terrific holistic framework for how I can more richly think about how MOTs connect to Customer Experience and Customer Journey Management. It’s a terrific program that I’d recommend and encourage Professionals to strongly consider.”
L.G. Lavengood Outstanding Professor of the Year Award (2022)
Jim Lecinski, Professor, Kellogg School of Management
(Jim is the creator of ZMOTs and Micro MOTs as a VP at Google 2006-2018)
Connect with Steve: https://linktr.ee/SteveTowers