During 2023 one in five CX programmes will disappear entirely

The latest research into Customer Experience Management makes stark reading. get the inside track and data to support your business case for CX.

This is what Forrester is predicting. Not just any pip squeak research company. When a CX authority says something like that, you must sit up and pay attention.

Ask yourself why this might be the case, and quickly, you will realise many CX initiatives are not adequately connected to delivering business benefits. Have you secured your CX efforts to win the triple crown (simultaneously growing revenues, reducing costs, and improving service)?
If you haven’t, you may become that one in five.

Here’s some of the latest research from CX authorities (with several interesting data points).

Five Predictions For The Future Of Customer ExperienceForbeshttps://bit.ly/Forbes5predictionsBy 2030, customers will expect brands to anticipate their needs before they arise.
The Gartner Predictions for 2023: The Top Customer Experience TrendsGartnerhttps://bit.ly/Gartner_PredictsBy 2025, more than half of B2B organizations will use AI to augment at least one of their primary sales processes.
IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Future of Customers and Consumers 2022 PredictionsIDChttps://bit.ly/IDCPredictsBy 2024, 35% of brands will openly incentivize consumers to share personal data in exchange for cash rewards, services, and exclusive experiences.
Top future of customer experience predictions for 2023Forresterhttps://bit.ly/Forrester_Predicts2023During 2023 one in five CX programs will disappear entirely
7 Contact Center Predictions for 2023 and BeyondCustomer Thinkhttps://bit.ly/CustomerThink_PredictsBy 2023, employee experience will overtake customer experience as the leading “experience” focus and investment.
NPS has run its course

The Customer Experience organisations that win every time

The thriving CX initiatives connect their efforts with business benefits in everything they do. This gets the continual and sustained support of the top team. Abandon those flakey metrics and aim to get more scientific about the customer experience.

How to win the Triple Crown?

Get yourself and your colleagues ‘upskilled’ with the Accredited Customer Experience ProfessionalÂź to acquire the latest tools, techniques, and proven approaches to winning with Customer Experience.

The Accredited Customer Experience ProfessionalÂź (ACXP):

If you want to check if your colleagues are already qualified do a search with #ACXP on Linkedin.

Review the extensive options from the BPG: https://www.bpgroup.org

Connect with the author: https://linktr.ee/SteveTowers

Is this the best Customer Experience qualification on the planet?

Gaining certifications in customer experience can be advantageous for employees and businesses alike. It demonstrates an individual’s dedication to the field and provides an upper hand in the job market. Furthermore, it can enhance output in current positions by increasing expertise in the most effective techniques and lead to a higher customer satisfaction rate for the company. Professional qualifications can also bring a feeling of personal achievement. There are several options to receive these qualifications, such as virtual classes, physical seminars, and degree programs. All in all, obtaining professional qualifications in customer experience could be a beneficial investment.

Well, the Testimonials seem to say so…

Find out more: https://bit.ly/GCCACXP

Professional Qualification (or not?)

First, having a professional qualification in customer experience demonstrates a commitment to the field. It gives an impression that you have invested your energy to learn the most current best practices and have the necessary capabilities and expertise to offer exceptional customer service. This can be especially helpful for companies searching for customer experience professionals, as it reflects that you are devoted to your career and take it earnestly.

Obtaining professional credentials in customer experience can be advantageous in the job market. In an arena where customer experience is becoming increasingly imperative for businesses, having the qualifications can give you an advantage over applicants with different proficiency levels. This can be particularly advantageous if you want to progress in your profession or change to a new sector.

It is not just about your job

But the advantages of obtaining professional qualifications in customer experience go beyond impressing potential employers. It can also help you be more productive in your current role. By gaining a more profound knowledge of customer experience best practices, you will be better able to recognize and handle any issues that may crop up and find ways to improve the overall customer experience. This can lead to improved customer loyalty and satisfaction and, eventually, higher revenue for your organization.

In addition to the tangible benefits, obtaining professional qualifications in customer experience can also give you a sense of personal accomplishment.

If you want to become professionally qualified in customer experience, multiple alternatives are accessible, such as online courses, in-person seminars, and degree programs. Examining and determining the most suitable choice for your needs and timetable is vital. Regardless of your choice, getting a professional qualification in customer experience is a beneficial investment. It can make you stand out in the job market, increase your capability in your current role, and bring satisfaction. So, if you plan to progress your job in customer experience, consider becoming professionally qualified – it is the push you require to succeed in this fast-developing area.


Gaining certifications in customer experience can be advantageous for employees and businesses alike. It demonstrates an individual’s dedication to the field and provides an upper hand in the job market. Furthermore, it can enhance output in current positions by increasing expertise in the most effective techniques and lead to a higher customer satisfaction rate for the company. Professional qualifications can also bring a feeling of personal achievement. There are several options to receive these qualifications, such as virtual classes, physical seminars, and degree programs. All in all, obtaining professional qualifications in customer experience could be a beneficial investment.

The Accredited Customer Experience ProfessionalÂź (ACXP):

If you want to check if your colleagues are already qualified do a search with #ACXP on Linkedin.

Review the extensive options from the BPG: https://www.bpgroup.org

Connect with the author: https://linktr.ee/SteveTowers

Gain a competitive edge with professional qualifications in Customer Experience

Gaining certifications in customer experience can be advantageous for employees and businesses alike. It demonstrates an individual’s dedication to the field and provides an upper hand in the job market. Furthermore, it can enhance output in current positions by increasing expertise in the most effective techniques and lead to a higher customer satisfaction rate for the company. Professional qualifications can also bring a feeling of personal achievement. There are several options to receive these qualifications, such as virtual classes, physical seminars, and degree programs. All in all, obtaining professional qualifications in customer experience could be a beneficial investment.

It is essential to acknowledge the significance of customer experience. More is required to deliver an outstanding product or service in this highly competitive business environment. Businesses need to put in the extra effort to provide a remarkable customer experience to be distinguished from rivals and gain customer loyalty. This is where obtaining a professional qualification in customer experience comes into play.

Professional Qualification (or not?)

First, having a professional qualification in customer experience demonstrates a commitment to the field. It gives an impression that you have invested your energy to learn the most current best practices and have the necessary capabilities and expertise to offer exceptional customer service. This can be especially helpful for companies searching for customer experience professionals, as it reflects that you are devoted to your career and take it earnestly.

Obtaining professional credentials in customer experience can be advantageous in the job market. In an arena where customer experience is becoming increasingly imperative for businesses, having the qualifications can give you an advantage over applicants with different proficiency levels. This can be particularly advantageous if you want to progress in your profession or change to a new sector.

It is not just about your job

But the advantages of obtaining professional qualifications in customer experience go beyond impressing potential employers. It can also help you be more productive in your current role. By gaining a more profound knowledge of customer experience best practices, you will be better able to recognize and handle any issues that may crop up and find ways to improve the overall customer experience. This can lead to improved customer loyalty and satisfaction and, eventually, higher revenue for your organization.

In addition to the tangible benefits, obtaining professional qualifications in customer experience can also give you a sense of personal accomplishment.

man in white crew neck t shirt holding laptop
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

If you want to become professionally qualified in customer experience, multiple alternatives are accessible, such as online courses, in-person seminars, and degree programs. Examining and determining the most suitable choice for your needs and timetable is vital. Regardless of your choice, getting a professional qualification in customer experience is a beneficial investment. It can make you stand out in the job market, increase your capability in your current role, and bring satisfaction. So, if you plan to progress your job in customer experience, consider becoming professionally qualified – it is the push you require to succeed in this fast-developing area.


Gaining certifications in customer experience can be advantageous for employees and businesses alike. It demonstrates an individual’s dedication to the field and provides an upper hand in the job market. Furthermore, it can enhance output in current positions by increasing expertise in the most effective techniques and lead to a higher customer satisfaction rate for the company. Professional qualifications can also bring a feeling of personal achievement. There are several options to receive these qualifications, such as virtual classes, physical seminars, and degree programs. All in all, obtaining professional qualifications in customer experience could be a beneficial investment.

The Accredited Customer Experience ProfessionalÂź (ACXP):

If you want to check if your colleagues are already qualified do a search with #ACXP on Linkedin.

Review the extensive options from the BPG: https://www.bpgroup.org

Connect with the author: https://linktr.ee/SteveTowers

The Most Highly Regarded CX Leaders share Incredible Thought Leadership

I loved that James Dodkins couldn’t find a comprehensive Customer Experience Quotebook, so he decided to create one by assembling the best of the best from our current era of CX luminaries and Business leaders.

Let’s review my choice of the very best best ones 😉

You can get a FREE copy of the CX Quote book with 365 insights with some additional bonuses.
One Inspiration for every day of the coming year perhaps?


do not resist change, embrace it

To upskill to the latest CX ‘Next Practice’ Find out more: https://bit.ly/GCCACXP

There are always more questions than answers 😉 However, in the ACX Masters program, we cover all the bases and provide a set of tools and approaches that enable you to WIN THE TRIPLE CROWN in every CX initiative
Join us soon!

The 3 Most Frustrating things about those people who love Quotes

Stay with me for this one. James Dodkins says he just cut n pasted the best CX Quotes into his cornerstone work of 365 CX Quotes. He didn’t because I was there to see the process… try this google ‘Great Quotes’* and you will have some idea of the size of the task in hand.

* It produces results of nearly two billion. đŸ˜±

And we all know that 95% of those are dross. So that leaves just 10 million half ways decent ones to get it down to 365 which itself is a herculean task. However he did it, and you can get the results for free (see the link below). One a day CX quotes to brighten the dullest day. And without the dross.

Talking of arrogance and dross produced a really nice quote from that brilliant sci-fi guy, Isaac Asimov.

Let’s just say, like some of us, he doesn’t suffer fools gladly…

Now I would have included that, but I also know James Dodkins hates with a passion sci-fi. Don’t mention Star Trek, Star Wars, or Space Rangers. You will become persona non gratis 😂 Hence Isaac isn’t in this book…..

Even so, this book is an inspiration.
Open it at random and you might get your thoughts changed for a day or two. Or treat it like a 365-day advent calendar and regale your friends with a quote a day for a year – no don’t do that, it is too nerdy.

Here are a couple of fine examples.

I especially like this one. Been there and done that way too often.

Here’s a link that will get you this work of a genius (OK then, the work of the CX RockStar)


Catch you soon!

Steve Towers

To upskill to the latest CX ‘Next Practice’ Find out more: https://bit.ly/GCCACXP

There are always more questions than answers 😉 However, in the ACX Masters program, we cover all the bases and provide a set of tools and approaches that enable you to WIN THE TRIPLE CROWN in every CX initiative
Join us soon!

The 11 Critical Things Mentally Strong People Avoid

Entrepreneurs are often interested in physical strength and health, but mental strength is even more important. Mental strength is a critical characteristic for entrepreneurs, as many articles address tenacity, “grit,” optimism, and unfailing ability to “fail up,” as David Williams of Forbes puts it.

do not resist change, embrace it

However, mentally strong individuals avoid doing certain things as well. Licensed Clinical psychotherapist and social worker Amy Morin[1] created a list of things mentally strong individuals don’t do as part of LifeHack. It inspired me enough to summarize and spread it around, and I’ll add my thoughts on how these things relate to entrepreneurs.

  1. Mentally strong individuals don’t waste time feeling bad for themselves.
    They don’t waste time thinking about how they’ve been wronged. They are responsible for their actions and consequences and realize that life isn’t always fair. Even though they emerge from difficult situations with self-awareness and gratitude for the lessons learned, they can respond to an unfavorable outcome with the phrase “Oh, well.” Next!” or simply “Next!”
  2. Hand their Power to Others.
    Mentally strong individuals avoid relinquishing control to others, ensuring they do not feel inadequate or inferior. They understand that they are in charge of their actions and emotions. They acknowledge that their strength lies in managing how they respond.
  3. Seeing change as an enemy
    A mentally strong person accepts change and challenges with open arms. If they have a greatest “fear,” it is of becoming inwardly focused, complacent, and stuck. An environment of change, challenge, and uncertainty can energize a mentally strong person and bring out their best.

  4. Waste time on things beyond their control.
    A mentally strong person doesn’t whine about bad traffic, lost luggage, or other people (as these things are usually outside of their control) but instead focuses on what they can control: their response and attitude. Even in a bad situation, they know that the only thing they can always control is their response and perspective, and they make the most of these attributes.

  5. Wanting to be liked by everyone.
    Do you know any people pleasers or people who go out of their way to displease others to reinforce an image of strength? Neither position is good. A mentally strong individual aims to be kind and just, in addition to pleasing others if appropriate, but they are not afraid to speak up. They can deal with difficult situations where someone might become upset with grace, if possible.

  6. Worry over taking Risks.
    A mentally strong person is very willing to take calculated risks. This differs from taking foolish risks. However, with mental strength, an individual can weigh the risks and benefits thoroughly, consider the potential downsides and even the worst-case scenarios before taking action, and make a rational decision.

  7. Lament and become sentimental about a past event.
    A mentally strong person can avoid miring their mental energy in past disappointments or fantasies of the “glory days” in the past. Acknowledging and learning from past experiences, in particular, provides mental strength. Investing the majority of their mental energy in creating an optimal present and future is what mentally strong people do.

  8. Avoid Habitual Mistakes.
    The definition of insanity is when we take the same actions repeatedly while hoping for a better outcome than we got the last time. We all know what it means. A mentally strong individual acknowledges responsibility for previous actions and is willing to learn from errors. According to research, one of the greatest strengths of successful executives and entrepreneurs is their self-reflective, accurate, and effective way of thinking.

  9. Avoid the Green Monster trap.
    It takes strength of character to be genuinely pleased and enthused by other people’s achievements. Mentally strong people possess this skill. When others succeed, they don’t become jealous or resentful (although they may carefully observe what the individual did right). They work hard for their own success rather than taking shortcuts and are willing to do so.

  10. Surrender when they fail.
    The most outstanding entrepreneurs acknowledge that many failures characterized their first efforts. Every failure provides an opportunity to improve. Mentally tough individuals are willing to fail repeatedly as long as they can learn from each “failure.” They don’t fear being alone; they treasure and even enjoy it. During their downtime, mentally strong individuals reflect, plan, and accomplish things. They don’t need others to keep them happy and cheerful, so they don’t rely on others. They can enjoy being with others and also enjoy being alone.

  11.  Understand that the world owes them nothing.
    Employees and executives at all levels realize that the world does not owe them a salary, rewards package, and an easy life regardless of their education and preparation. People with mental strength are prepared to work and succeed on their own merits at every stage of life.

    Those who want immediate results will be disappointed. Even when they start a business or begin a workout plan, people with mental toughness are in it for the long haul. They know that they must take measured doses of time and energy and celebrate each step of success as they go. They have staying power and recognize that real change takes time.

    Are you mentally tough? What areas of these habits do you need to strengthen?
Change Your Habits Change Your Life

[1] https://www.amazon.com/Things-Mentally-Strong-Women-Dont/dp/0062847635

To upskill to the latest ‘Next Practice’ Find out more: https://bit.ly/GCCACXP

There are always more questions than answers 😉 However, in the ACX Masters program, we cover all the bases and provide a set of tools and approaches that enable you to WIN THE TRIPLE CROWN in every CX initiative
Join us soon!