Unlock the Benefits of Customer Experience Management: 12 FAQs Answered

Customer Experience Frequently Asked Questions – the first we look at is ‘What is Customer Experience Management?”

This and eleven other Frequently Asked Questions associated with Customer Experience Management are discussed with supporting videos and decks at www.bpgroup.org/cxfaq.html

So what exactly is Customer Experience Management (CEM)?

Customer Experience Management (CEM or CXM) is a strategic and operational approach commonly used as a competitive differentiator. It involves aligning every aspect of an organisation towards delivering customer needs and successful outcomes no matter how far removed the customer is perceived to be.

This includes:

  • Customer journey – what the customer does, expects and feels.
  • Customer Interactions.
  • Supporting internal process.
  • Associated team and hierarchy structures.
  • Performance metrics.
  • Digital capabilities.
  • Vision, mission & strategy. 

​Typically, companies who engage in Customer Experience Management activities outperform those who do not.

Customer Experience Management (CEM) is the practice of proactively managing customer interactions, perceptions, and emotions to create positive customer experiences throughout the customer journey.

It involves understanding customer needs, preferences, and expectations and then creating tailored experiences that meet these needs, that are memorable and leave a lasting impression.

​CEM also requires connecting the customer experience to the means of delivery, such as the organisation’s people, processes, and systems. This means that CEM requires a comprehensive understanding of the customer journey and ensuring that the organisation’s people, processes, and systems can work together to provide a seamless experience that meets customer needs and expectations.
Additionally, CEM requires a focus on developing customer relationships and fostering loyalty by providing ongoing support, feedback, and value

Enhance your customer experience career with a Certified Journey Management Professional® qualification
Get the info you need at https://www.cjmplus.com

Enhance Your Customer Experience expertise with the CJMP® qualification

Review the Customer Experience FAQs

Customer Experience Management FAQs – BPG (bpgroup.org)

The Accredited Customer Experience Professional® (ACXP):

If you want to check if your colleagues are already qualified do a search with #ACXP on Linkedin.

Review the extensive options from the BPG: https://www.bpgroup.org

Connect with the author: https://linktr.ee/SteveTowers

Review the Twelve Frequently Asked Questions associated with Customer Experience Management are discussed with supporting videos and decks at www.bpgroup.org/cxfaq.html

During 2023 one in five CX programmes will disappear entirely

The latest research into Customer Experience Management makes stark reading. get the inside track and data to support your business case for CX.

This is what Forrester is predicting. Not just any pip squeak research company. When a CX authority says something like that, you must sit up and pay attention.

Ask yourself why this might be the case, and quickly, you will realise many CX initiatives are not adequately connected to delivering business benefits. Have you secured your CX efforts to win the triple crown (simultaneously growing revenues, reducing costs, and improving service)?
If you haven’t, you may become that one in five.

Here’s some of the latest research from CX authorities (with several interesting data points).

Five Predictions For The Future Of Customer ExperienceForbeshttps://bit.ly/Forbes5predictionsBy 2030, customers will expect brands to anticipate their needs before they arise.
The Gartner Predictions for 2023: The Top Customer Experience TrendsGartnerhttps://bit.ly/Gartner_PredictsBy 2025, more than half of B2B organizations will use AI to augment at least one of their primary sales processes.
IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Future of Customers and Consumers 2022 PredictionsIDChttps://bit.ly/IDCPredictsBy 2024, 35% of brands will openly incentivize consumers to share personal data in exchange for cash rewards, services, and exclusive experiences.
Top future of customer experience predictions for 2023Forresterhttps://bit.ly/Forrester_Predicts2023During 2023 one in five CX programs will disappear entirely
7 Contact Center Predictions for 2023 and BeyondCustomer Thinkhttps://bit.ly/CustomerThink_PredictsBy 2023, employee experience will overtake customer experience as the leading “experience” focus and investment.
NPS has run its course

The Customer Experience organisations that win every time

The thriving CX initiatives connect their efforts with business benefits in everything they do. This gets the continual and sustained support of the top team. Abandon those flakey metrics and aim to get more scientific about the customer experience.

How to win the Triple Crown?

Get yourself and your colleagues ‘upskilled’ with the Accredited Customer Experience Professional® to acquire the latest tools, techniques, and proven approaches to winning with Customer Experience.

The Accredited Customer Experience Professional® (ACXP):

If you want to check if your colleagues are already qualified do a search with #ACXP on Linkedin.

Review the extensive options from the BPG: https://www.bpgroup.org

Connect with the author: https://linktr.ee/SteveTowers