The Complexity of Corporate Communication: How to get your message across!

The complexity of corporate communications

Corporate communication is a broad field that deals with the different public and internal facing aspects of a company. It involves various methods and approaches to share information about a company’s brand, products, services, employees, and so on with a broad internal and external audience.

Communication as a whole is complex as it involves many stakeholders and audiences. Moreover, effective communication requires strong connections between people at all levels of the organization.

To be able to communicate effectively within your organization and with the outside world, you need to understand what corporate communication is, its benefits, and how you can implement it in your organization.

That is why in this article we will discuss everything you need to know about corporate communication so you can get your message across!

What Is Corporate Communication?

When we talk about communication in business, we are primarily referring to two things – one is the process, and the other is the outcome of the process. The process consists of the steps involved in communication, for example – sending the message, the channel through which it is sent, the time frame, and so on.

The outcome of the process refers to the impact that the communication has had on the person who received it.

That is why communication is often described as a process through which we create an understanding between people who are not in the same place at the same time. In this sense, corporate communication is the process and activities through which organizations create a strong connection via employees with the outside world for the purpose of brand building, increasing reputation, and the acquisition and retention of customers.

Why is Effective Communication Important?

Communication is the process of exchanging information and ideas between two or more people. For this process to be effective, certain factors need to be in place. To start with, there should be an understanding between the sender and receiver of the message.

Communication is all about sharing information, and if the information is not understood, it won’t be useful to anyone. We have a saying that ‘a message without meaning is like a bird without wings’. It is because of this that communication is an important aspect of any business venture.

The right words, carefully selected and strategically placed with the correct tone, can be a very powerful tool. They can make for an excellent culture, your brand more recognizable, and encourage customers to buy your products and services.

Benefits of Effective corporate communication

Stronger relationships – The biggest benefit of effective communication is that it strengthens relationships. Whether you communicate with the members of your team, customers, or anyone in between, a strong connection will lead to better results.

Greater productivity – When people understand each other and have a clear idea of what their role is within the organization, productivity increases. This is especially true for organizations where employees have a say in shaping the communication process – for example, when they have the opportunity to voice feedback and suggestions, and when they have the power to participate in the decision-making process.

Better decision-making – When communication is effective, decision-making becomes much easier. This is because the information you share will be well-understood.

Better brand recognition – A strong connection with your audience will not only bring them closer to your brand, but it will also make them more loyal to it. Moreover, the brand of your business will become more recognizable as you take part in various communication activities.

Types of Corporate Communication

Internal communication – This is the communication that happens between employees. It can happen in a number of ways, including one-on-one meetings, group meetings, emails, and so on. Internal communication is important because it helps people work together more effectively and efficiently.

External communication – This is the communication that happens between your organization and the outside world. This could be in the form of marketing campaigns, public relations, social media posts, and more.

Customer communication – This is communication between your customers and your organization. It can happen in a number of ways, including through a company’s customer support or customer service department, through social media posts, and more.

Summing up

Communication is an essential part of any business venture, and it can make or break an organization. The success of your business relies not only on the quality of your products or services but also on how well you communicate that quality to your customers.

When you have strong relationships with your audience, when you can make better decisions, and when you can recognize your brand better – you have stronger communication.

To achieve this, it is important to implement effective goal-driven communication in your organization. This can be achieved by focusing on the type of communication you engage in and by making sure that your communications are all aligned to Successful Customer and Business Outcomes.

My Big STupid Outside-In Failure

I wasn’t always an expert in Customer Experience and Outside-In

In fact, when I became an Industrial Engineer I didn’t have the first clue about how to deliver Successful Customer Outcomes.

I’m going to share a personal story with you about one of my early failures…

It’s a little embarrassing to share, but I think it will inspire you.

It was a quest of five years looking for a standardized Home Loan process and system for a world-leading bank. My team and I visited 30+ countries, reviewed more than 40 IT suppliers, and talked with other top banks and mutual lenders. We sat down with the best business professors, authors and researchers and attended dozens of events on our quest…

And just as in Monty Python and the Holy Grail we returned home empty-handed. You can imagine the investment of time, energy, and budget to realize there isn’t such a thing as an Ideal Home Loan process and system (despite what the big consultancies and IT vendors had told us).

Our senior executive team in the bank was incredulous. In fact, deep down I doubted my own capabilities, I was exhausted and had failed with one of the biggest projects in the bank’s history. Or so I thought…

That is when the truth hit me square between the eyes. We were thinking of our business in the wrong way. My enlightenment was complete when Steve Jobs, in the same year 1997, said the now immortal words “You have got to start with the Customer Experience and work backwards to the Technology, not the other way around”

I had finally got it – we had to think Outside-In, put the customer at the center of everything, and realize using out-of-date business thinking has no place in the 21st century.

1997 – Apple World Developers Conference

Everything changed for me in May 1997.
Since then I have worked with the world’s leading companies learning and adopting Outside-In as a way of being. 
Trust me, if I can do this so can you.

In fact, you even have it better than me. You can bypass all the trouble I went through by simply learning from my mistakes.

I laid out a safe and sensible plan for you here:

The one you love…

What do you most admire in the ones you love? Remind yourself that is one of the many reasons you love them, whether it is a partner, child or stranger. Think about that and enjoy the feeling.

Steve Towers

Thoughts for your CX Day

Being uncomfortable should be comforting as it demonstrates you are in a change state. Learn to foster discomfort and make it your friend, It is indeed wise counsel.

Steve Towers

What do you most admire in the ones you love? Remind yourself that is one of the many reasons you love them, whether it is a partner, child or stranger. Think about that and enjoy the feeling.

Steve Towers

You are only as good as the way you feel. That’s why you need to focus on things that make you feel good. What is the one thing that today could make you fell grateful? Then you will feel good.

Steve Towers

Become an Accredited CX Professional with this Gift 🎁

Why should Individuals & Organizations adopt the ACXP Program?

Better business results begin with Accredited CX Professionals guiding and leading their organizations.

By establishing a cadre of accredited people organizations are demonstrating their drive towards customer-centricity which delivers immediate results and pleases employees, customers, and stakeholders. 

It truly is a win for everyone. 💞

Get the Gift here:

The Accredited Customer Experience Professional (ACXP) is a program underpinned by practical exercises based on the work underway in the enterprise. Individuals and teams are coached and assessed by ‘been there and done it’ CX professionals regarded as top of their profession.

Less on the theory, more on the practice the ACXP program uses ‘now’ case studies (frequently not in the public domain) so attendees can see ‘next practices’ and quickly incorporate them into their individual, team, and organization work.

Underpinned by proven approaches and techniques, such as the CEMMethod™ (launched in 2006 and now in Version 14), the ACXP program is designed for individual advancement, organizational maturity, and ultimately business transformation to become truly customer-centric.

The ACXP is the first step on the ladder leading to a progressive and more advanced understanding and delivery of Customer Experience next practices.

The portfolio of levels includes ACX Master®, ACX Champion® and ACX Mentor®.

Recent Testimonials include:

Thank you Steve for the high quality & insightful training you delivered. Your innovative approach , critical thinking & up to date case studies facilitated this achievement 👍Muath Al-Azzam, Principal Services & Operations Specialist at Dubai Municipality

Thank you, the experience was enlightening, empowering, educating, encouraging and engaging.Natasha Doren, South Africa

I have to say, every day since I left Denver, I have been able to apply some bit of learning that I got during the ACXM event into not only my job, but my personal life as well. Thank you so much for everything that you’ve done to advance the field of customer experience! Brett Gill, United States

Another fantastic learning, personal andprofessional development experience with you!Lyall Shapiro, Customer Experience Specialist,Sydney, Australia

Thank you Steve, very intense 4 days butamazing and already putting it into practice!Edwin De Lange, Manager:
Customer Experience Design,Mercantile Bank South Africa

Thank you so much Steve..this achievement means a lot to me& huge credit goes to you.. looking forward for my nextAmal Shaira, Senior Manager, FAB, United Arab Emirates

Do you want to embrace advanced Customer-Centric thinking and become Outside-In?

👉 Step #1 – Review the upskilling options to become an ACX Professional & ACX Master:

👉 Step #2 – Get The Book: Outside-In The Secret *FREE*

👉 Step #3 – Connect With The Community:

👉 Step #4 – Keep Pace with Change: Recent Keynote – The Hard Benefits of XM |

👉 Step #5 – Review the Testimonials Accredited Customer Experience Professional – BPG (

The Most Practical, Pragmatic & Applicable Customer Experience qualification

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Learning By Doing is our mantra. The ACX and CPP programs look for your application of the world-beating techniques with a 1 on 1 assessment from your Coach. We don’t train you in how to pass a test, we coach you in how to deliver CX Transformation.

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Come and join us to experience the difference and earn yourself the Accredited Customer Experience Masters qualification starting November 29 for two or four days.

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Recent Testimonials:
Thanks 🚀 Steve Towers ACXC, CPPC, COIC. This was hands down the best CX course I have been on so far. Looking forward to applying everything I learned on the course in my new role.  Kendall Ursula Rÿnders, AskAfrica, South Africa.

Hi Steve, thank you for opening my eyes to opportunities these few days, didn’t know I was sitting on a gold mine 😂, great content, great delivery. My perspective about my profession has completely changed, thanks for that.
Adwoa Asare – Asamoah. Head CX, CalBank PLC 

Argyle Digital: CX/UX Leadership Forum. I am excited to say there was 100+ attendees on your session and you were a wonderful and integral part of the event’s success and we truly appreciate your time, insight, and expertise.
Brittany Sullivan, Senior Producer, Argyll, United States

It’s been an honour and privilege to participate and attend the ACX-M course, It was an eye-opener and quite a revelation for me, I became conscious of these important concepts and aspects of customer experience, Thank you for showing us the way. Product Specialist at Laerdal Medical, India

Thank you Steve for the high quality & insightful training you delivered
Your innovative approach, critical thinking & up to date case studies facilitated this achievement 👍
Muath Al-Azzam, Principal Services & Operations Specialist at Dubai Municipality

I have to say, every day since I left Denver, I have been able to apply some bit of learning that I got during the ACXM event into not only my job, but my personal life as well. Thank you so much for everything that you’ve done to advance the field of customer experience!
Brett Gill, United States

Do you want to embrace advanced Customer-Centric thinking and become Outside-In?

👉 Step #1 – Review the upskilling options to become an ACX Professional & ACX Master:

👉 Step #2 – Get The Book: Outside-In The Secret *FREE*

👉 Step #3 – Connect With The Community:

👉 Step #4 – Keep Pace with Change: Recent Keynote – The Hard Benefits of XM |

👉 Step #5 – Review the Testimonials Accredited Customer Experience Professional – BPG (

What Rests, Rusts. Step Up to the Bright, Shiny New Accredited Customer Experience® Program

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The ACX Program features the Accredited Customer Experience Professional®
(ACXP® 2 day x 5 hours per day)

The ACX Professional & ACX Master program

Australia & Oceania | Americas | South Africa | Europe | GCC – Middle East

The ACX Program also includes Accredited Customer Experience Master®
(ACXM® 4 day x 5 hours per day)

Australia & Oceania | Americas | South Africa | Europe | GCC – Middle East

Australia & Oceania | Americas | South Africa | Europe | GCC – Middle East

Australia & Oceania | Americas | South Africa | Europe | GCC – Middle East

Australia & Oceania | Americas | South Africa | Europe | GCC – Middle East

Australia & Oceania | Americas | South Africa | Europe | GCC – Middle East

Testimonials… hear what others say…

It’s been an honour and privilege to participate and attend the ACX-M course, It was an eye-opener and quite a revelation for me, I became conscious of these important concepts and aspects of customer experience, Thank you for showing us the way.
Product Specialist at Laerdal Medical, India

Thank you Steve for the high quality & insightful training you delivered
Your innovative approach, critical thinking & up to date case studies facilitated this achievement 👍
Muath Al-Azzam, Principal Services & Operations Specialist at Dubai Municipality

I have to say, every day since I left Denver, I have been able to apply some bit of learning that I got during the ACXM event into not only my job, but my personal life as well. Thank you so much for everything that you’ve done to advance the field of customer experience!
Brett Gill, United States

Thank you Steve for another enlightening and engaging course that just keeps challenging the way we do things®
Edwin De Lange, South Africa

Thanks again for four great and inspiring days.
Christian Becker, Germany

It’s been great training with lots of new tools that we will be able to implement soon I hope. Super interesting information, I am looking forward to reading your book as well. I really appreciated your energy and enthusiasm throughout the training.
Silvia Fernandez Calvo, Spain

Let me take this opportunity to thank Mr. Steve. Your teachings are timeless and they stick perfectly and forever in our minds. We shall never forget you wherever we find ourselves on this planet. Thank you so much, Steve 🙏
Benignus Otmar, Tanzania

Thank you, the experience was enlightening, empowering, educating, encouraging, and engaging.
Natasha Doren, South Africa

Thank you, Steve, I have never enjoyed anything more than the CX course, The weight of knowledge I gained and the enlightenment that I got is indescribable.
Reem Elsadig, Sudan

Thanks, Steve for such an excellent program, the dedicated manner you use to share with us your wonderful knowledge and wisdom in CX, and the time to respond to all our questions! God bless you, thanks a lot!
Yanese Angeles, Dominican Republic

You started me out on this journey my friend. Thanks for letting me live out my passion!
Molly Redenbaugh, Iowa, United States

Thank you! It’s been an amazing journey and you have been a great mentor.
It was an honor taking your class, I am now a confident CPP Master🙏🏾
Masele Masudi Msita, Tanzania

Thank you Steve for your high-quality wonderful Master. I thought the course was brilliant. Thank you for everything.
Ashraf Mohamed, Philadelphia, USA

Thanks again, Steve. Not only have you been a fantastic mentor to me but you have taught me how to mentor others. Thanks for being so supportive and getting me through.
Chandan Chhabra, Delhi, India

Another fantastic learning, personal and professional development experience with you!
Lyall Shapiro, Australia

Do you want to embrace advanced Customer-Centric thinking and become Outside-In?

👉 Step #1 – Review the upskilling options to become an ACX Professional & ACX Master:

👉 Step #2 – Get The Book: Outside-In The Secret *FREE*

👉 Step #3 – Connect With The Community:

👉 Step #4 – Keep Pace with Change: Recent Keynote – The Hard Benefits of XM |

👉 Step #5 – Review the Testimonials Accredited Customer Experience Professional – BPG (

The Customer Experience definition

What is the definition of Customer Experience?
The definitions of customer experience are many however in 99% of cases incorrect. Why so? Well simply because they are from a company viewpoint, that is ‘Inside-Out’.

A truly customer-centric definition needs to see customer experience through the customer’s actual experience. Accordingly, the CX definition the BP Group and partners endorse through our training, mentoring and consultancy is:

A customer experience is the sum of the thoughts, feelings and interactions a customer has about and with different products and services during the achievement of a goal or outcome

James Dodkins aka ‘CX Rockstar’

This talks neatly to the point that the experience starts with a need and finishes when that need has been fulfilled. It goes way beyond when the process for the company starts and ends.

What is your definition for Customer Experience?

So next time someone challenges you to define ‘what is customer experience?’ give them that.

You may even get people confusing customer experience with customer service but that discussion is for another day 😉

Your definition of CX is wrong…

And the controversy continues… is this the one that will really upset some people?

To learn how others shape their Total Experience on behalf of customers, employees, stakeholders and shareholders join us at one of these venues soon…





Do you have a CX Vision?

James Dodkins aka CX Rockstar shares with us the essential need for a CX Vision. Touching on strategy, innovation and customer needs this is required viewing for everyone involved with Customer Experience.

Are you struggling with your CX Vision?

To craft your CX Vision join us at one of these venues soon…



