This one pager reviews the latest stock performance of die hard Six Sigma companies and dismisses the belief that Six SIgma and Lean will help us out of the current global economic crisis.. {..} more
Screw it – Let’s Do it (Part 3)
In the early parts we reviewed ‘Business Transformation are you on board?’ and the ‘Zen and the Art of Process Management’ and we now bring the story together with ‘Screw it – Let’s do it!’. In our efforts to improve our organzations we involve ourselves in approaches that frequently get mired in their own complexity. It doesn’t have to be that way.. . {…} more
Slash Costs But don’t Kill the Business
Approaches such as Lean and Six Sigma are having a tough time in the face of a compelling need to dramatically reduce costs caused by the current economic downturn, credit squeeze and market volatility. Companies are looking beyond the ‘business as usual’ 5-10% annual reductions and need to slash costs just to stay in business. Tightening belts and just ‘doing things right’ really isn’t good enough anymore as long established companies go to the wall on the back of short term and short sighted decisions made in better times.. {…} more