The Road to Hell is Paved with good intentions
CPP Master® Series FREE webinars and resources
BP Group updates and *NEW* WEBINAR series with CPP Master® Martina Beck-Friis
The CEMMethod® WEBINAR with Martina Beck-Friis
When you’re in a support department like IT, Finance, or HR who is your end customer, the rest of the organisation or customers outside…(Hussein Patel)
Welcome to the BP Group led by Charles Bennett –
Dedicated groups for the Certified Process Practitioner | Professional | Master |
** David Mottershead Provides us with a new perspective with a prezi ?!**
** Articles **
Outside-In is a business imperative (Steve Towers)
All the Best until next time,
Steve Towers, BP Group Founder
BIG thanks to the BP Group Advisors, Managers & Sundowner Directors including:
John Corr | Sunil Dutt Jha | Charles Bennett | David Mottershead | Erika Westbay | Janne Ohtonen | Nick Harvard | Stephane Haelterman | Paul Bailey | Martina Beck-Friss | Mark Barnett | Steve Melville | Stephen Nicholson | Marjolein Towler | Jennifer van Wyk | MichelineLogan |
See them at http::// |
BP Group 18th Annual CONFERENCE | Book your diary in Orlando Jan 17-21, 2010
Advancing Outside-In – The worlds FIRST Outside-In Conference
Advancing Outside-In update, resources and links
MAJOR MILESTONE ACHIEVED 5,400 members on BP Group Linked-In
BPGroup (est 1992. 43,000+ members | LinkedIn est. Oct 2008.)
Reflecting the growth and interest in all things process
The BP Group are Sponsors of the Business Process Professional® pathway –
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** News & Events**
The CEMMethod® WEBINAR with Martina Beck-Friis (CPP Master®) and Steve Towers
Enterprise Architecture CONNECTIONS subgroup exceed 340 in three months
BP Group 18th Annual CONFERENCE Heads-up | Book your diary in Orlando Jan 17-21, 2010
When you’re in a support department like IT, Finance, or HR who is your end customer, the rest of the organisation or customers outside…
– (Hussein)
How far down should process drill?
– (Dick Lee)
Are corporate silo’s like castles? (Karl Walter Keirstead)
Outside-in at Trader Joes (thanks to Patrick Ryder)
** New Sub Groups **
Welcome to the BP Group led by Charles Bennett –
Certified Process Practitioner | Professional | Master | –
** David Mottershead Hosts ANZ CPP Programme in November | (spaces strictly limited)
Auckland –
Wellington –
** New Articles **
Outside-In is a business imperative (Steve Towers)
** 2011 Certification & Training programme**
Cheers, Steve Towers, BP Group Founder
BIG thanks to the BP Group Advisors, Managers & Sundowner Directors including:
Dick Lee | John Corr | Sunil Dutt Jha | Charles Bennett | David Mottershead | Erika Westbay | Janne Ohtonen | Nick Harvard | Stephane Haelterman | Paul Bailey | Martina Beck-Friss | Mark Barnett | Steve Melville | Stephen Nicholson | Marjolein Towler | Jennifer van Wyk (South Africa) |
See them at http::// |
Dedicated BPGroup discussions – apply via the links!
Certified Process Practitioner® – for those qualified to CPP Level 1
Certified Process Professional® – for those qualified to CPP Level 3
Certified Process Master® – for those qualified to CPP Level 5
EA Connections – interested in Enterprise Architecture & BPM?
Outside-In Process – Advanced & Enterprise BPM takes centre stage
Advanced BPM – it says what it does on the tin
BPGroup Sweden – led by Martina Beck-Friis
BPGroup Germany – Led by Paul Bailey
Certified Process Professional® November-January – Six cities to Mastery
The global programme grows capabilities from Certified Process Practitioner® through to Certified Process Master® – review the series at

The quest for the Triple Crown – Four ways to transform process for success forever
(see,,, and
however that isn’t the only way to move processes Outside-In. In fact there are FOUR tried, tested and proven approaches to simultaneously reduce costs, improve revenues and enhance customer service (winning the Triple Crown).
You can explore this territory by visiting the following mini articles. Next week we’ll feature several recent webcasts.
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Best Buy is a poster boy of Outside-In, Are they done yet?
Although Best Buy gets its fair share of customer complaints online, it responds to them in a different way due to its Outside-In philosophy. Take Twelpforce. This system lets Best Buy employees see and respond to Best Buy-related issues that Twitter uses express, and over 2,500 people are taking part. The Twelpforce system brings together several groups: customer service representatives, in-store salespeople (called blueshirts), and the Geek Squad, technicians that visit homes to render technical assistance.
To see Twelpforce in action, consider this: Earlier in the year, Josh Korin purchased an iPhone and insurance plan from a Chicago Best Buy. His iPhone stopped working one day, and the store’s staff gave him a loaner BlackBerry to replace it. He didn’t want this — especially since he bought insurance — so he tweeted his disapproval. He did this on the weekend, but even so, customer service representative Coral Biegler tweeted back at him. The very next day, she had managed to find a replacement iPhone for him. From then on, Korin tweeted about how impressed he was with the service he received from Best Buy. His wife did too — and she has over 3,000 people following her on Twitter. Twelpforce grew out of Best Buy’s commitment to technological innovation from employees.
The idea was the brainchild of Gary Koelling, a member of Best Buy’s marketing group and a social-media guru. Ben Hendrington, a technology staffer in the e-commerce division, spent a week thinking about how he could harness the Google cloud computing platform to create a Twitter app to serve many employees at once. Marketing manager John Bernier was in charge of the project and successfully managed legal challenges like labor laws. The leaders at Best Buy support innovation, no matter where it originates inside the organization. CMO Barry Judge places a strong emphasis on innovations such as Twelpforce. We are nearly constantly in a half-baked mode, as for ideas, Judge states. Half-baked ideas let individuals [on the inside as well as the outside] offer you feedback. There is always an education going on in Judges department of marketing. If you’re not inquisitive, you will not last for very long in marketing, he stated. You must have some that aren’t successful to notice that.
The results of this mindset are easy to see in Best Buys marketing. One way Judge does this is posting television commercials on his blog prior to airing them. In one instance, commenters beyond the company expressed displeasure claiming a lack of sensitivity in a commercial that tells how a Blue Shirt assisted a customer in the armed forces. There was no airing of the commercial. Another innovation from Best Buy is opening the programming interfaces on its site,, which lets other sites know about things like changes in price. The staffers in marketing made up all of these activities.
They were all risky. And they all proceeded.
Sources of Information for Advanced BPM aka Outside-In
If you wish to read and listen more on these themes the following references are useful.
Join the community discussing these issues, challenges and opportunities.