Customer Obsession

We can learn a lot from Jeff Bezos. 60 seconds may be enough when you understand how he creates success.

I am still perplexed that so many folks seek to justify the failure of once-great companies like Nokia, Motorola, Blockbuster and Circuit City as being complex.

It wasn’t complicated and still isn’t to understand the reasons why they crashed and burned. It is in fact pretty simple. If you lose the connection between yourselves and customer success you will fail fast. All the best leadership, innovation and culture crumbles if you are not delivering #successfulcustomeroutcomes. However, don’t take my word for it – let’s hear it from the maestro himself

The Customer Experience definition

What is the definition of Customer Experience?
The definitions of customer experience are many however in 99% of cases incorrect. Why so? Well simply because they are from a company viewpoint, that is ‘Inside-Out’.

A truly customer-centric definition needs to see customer experience through the customer’s actual experience. Accordingly, the CX definition the BP Group and partners endorse through our training, mentoring and consultancy is:

A customer experience is the sum of the thoughts, feelings and interactions a customer has about and with different products and services during the achievement of a goal or outcome

James Dodkins aka ‘CX Rockstar’

This talks neatly to the point that the experience starts with a need and finishes when that need has been fulfilled. It goes way beyond when the process for the company starts and ends.

What is your definition for Customer Experience?

So next time someone challenges you to define ‘what is customer experience?’ give them that.

You may even get people confusing customer experience with customer service but that discussion is for another day 😉

The CX Online Playbook

Crafting the right professional profile is key to achieving success. Steve Towers offers sage wisdom on the hows and whats with his free book on how he has achieved his notoriety.

It comes down to YOU. Who you are and how you project yourself.

In the realm of Customer Experience and Business transformation, I have published many books and keynoted conferences around the world on the subjects of Customer Experience and Advanced Process Management.

Over the last couple of decades, I have fined tuned my messaging to suit the unique needs of different people and organizations so they can consistently deliver Successful Customer Outcomes individually and for their organizations.

In the last 20 years, Steve has keynoted and chaired more than 220 global events.

Relating to this success people often ask how should they go about it, what is the secret ingredient? So guess what a wrote another book to capture the key ideas and make them available to those willing to spend a little time crafting their profiles to suit their customers, whether they are colleagues, team members, their bosses or indeed the people who pay our wages – the external customer 😉

It comes down to YOU. Who you are and how you project yourself.

So earlier this year I published a FREE online CX Playbook for those folks who have just qualified as CX Professionals and need to build up their online profiles. It was a great success with over 3,200 downloads in the last six months, so guess what, I have now updated it for 2020 and you can go grab your FREE copy here:

What another Starbucks?!

Do get in touch and tell me how you get on.

With warm regards,


ACX Specialist Launches

Our favourite CX Rockstar James Dodkins tells you about the launch of the new program…

And you can register here:

Time to Upgrade your skills

It seems that the only consistent thing today is change. With that in mind, how are you keeping up with the seismic shifts in doing business?

We upgrade our homes, our cars and our lifestyles as a matter of course. When was the last time you upgraded YOU? No, I don’t mean a fancy new pair of shoes or those nice looking jeans what I am talking about is the way you think and do. At a fundamental level, we need to be able to lead change and enable those around us to embrace and welcome all aspects of this volatile world, which as I have already suggested isn’t going away anytime soon.

All things considered, that is what our coaching, mentoring and training programs are all about. Not only incorporating the latest innovations in business change but reframing the way you think.

The Experience Manager

In this last twelve months, the approaches we use have upgraded to include a new platform that redefines process and customer experience deployment and includes the capture, analysis, ideation and implementation of experiences from the front-line to the board room.

Now some may think they have done all the growth they need to do and rely on those traditional tools for the daily work. That is, however, the way of the dinosaur, almost waiting for the asteroid to strike and wishing they would survive its impact. We know what happened there.

So is time to refresh and retool?

If so there’s a series of courses from one-dayers to a week across the planet led by been there and done it mentors who spend the majority of their time helping organisations embrace this brave new world. Come and get the benefits of their latest learnings as we codify together, hands-on, the means for you to upgrade and retool.

Case studies are great, but…

I will be blunt (nothing new there then) I abhor the talking heads know it all theoretical claptrap courses where learning is stifled and it is a listen and do as I say dirge. Hence anyone who has experienced our programs will tell you how exciting, invigorating and enabling the hands-on learning is. Even to the extent of using your own challenges and working them through the sessions in association with teammates and colleagues. Yes, case studies help but how much better is fixing your own stuff and learning how to integrate the tools and techniques directly?

That underpins our programs, learning by doing.

Interactive workshops solving your challenges

In fact, the relationships you forge in the fires of embracing the CEMMethod will become a part of the new you on your return to the office.

Find out more…

We are running open courses across the planet in 116 countries with over 100,000 professionals now qualified. Our inhouse courses, where we customise the material to your industry and current dramas, are also popular and we are proud to talk of the thousands of companies who have embraced the learnings. Either way, open or inhouse, you will have a fantastic time so have a look, delve a bit, and sign-up soon.
Your upgrade is waiting!

CPP MasterJohannesburgOctober 7 – 10
ACX SpecialistManchesterOctober 14 – 16
CPP Master DetroitNovember 4 – 7
ACX Master JohannesburgNovember 11 – 14
ACX/CPP ChampionJohannesburgNovember 25 – 28
CPP MasterCape TownDecember 2 – 5
CPP ChampionWashington DCDecember 16 – 18
INHOUSE By RequestYour choice

Is your Customer Experience initiative working for you?
CX Obsessed or just playing at it?
Upskill you or your team find out more to learn how others have become successful with a Customer Obsession strategy

CX is a FAD

I think we should all pay attention to this. You know #CX is in trouble when you need to explain it over, and over again!

Customer Obsession v. Customer Focused

Jeff Bezos encourages us to become Customer Obsessed (see video snippet) however Netflix’s journey to CX Obsession is less well known.

Steve Towers Masterclass comes to Denver

Online pre and post Masterclass meets

I will be in the room for you every step of the way. Whether you signup for the one or two day option there is a preliminary video and optional signup Zoom meeting. Post-session we schedule an online meet to review progress and answer questions.  

How learning by doing with real case studies is central to the Masterclass

With genuine case studies you will apply your own challenges in the session to actually take away not just the HOW but the WHAT you do.

Calling wannabe CPP Masters™ in Detroit

Everyone needs to keep pace with the changes happening in and around business these days. Gone are the times when attending a talking heads training course was good enough when the need is to return to work with a proven and tested approach that simply works immediately.

That is what the Certified Process Professional Masters (CPP-Master™) program is all about. With over 100,000 qualified professionals across 118 countries and established across 90% of the fortune 400 companies this training has a great pedigree. Review the detail for the upcoming Detroit session:

Here’s a nice testimonial:

Recent comments on the CPP Masters program

Review the program detail for the upcoming session:

or go ahead and buy your tickets here…


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The Need for Experience Management

The rules today incent organizations to pay people for doing tasks and activities. We have to change that.

If we incent people to achieve Successful Outcomes then we win for the employees, customer, shareholders, in fact, everyone except the competitors! This is what The Experience Manager enables.

Access The Experience Manager:
The worlds first Outside-in platform.

Join us at an upcoming workshop/session:

Outside-In The Secret (book on this theme from 2010)


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