The annual event in the USA (now in its 15 year) attracts the very best of the community and this year was no exception.
With stimulating speakers and a awesome Awards program* the IQPC team lifted the bar a notch or two higher. which also includes the PEX BP Group Certified Process Professional two day program.
This year more than 40+ people from across the globe qualified as Certified Process Professionals to join the 25,000 in the least 4 years.
You can already review and sign-up for the next years – which on behalf of the BP Group – I highly recommend at
Note: For those of you in South East Asia I will be chairing that event in February. The two day CPP workshop is featured on Monday/Tuesday 24-25 February is a most have for the aspirant business process specialist. *we are running a feature on the PEX 2014 Awards program later this week.
I am delighted to be working with PEX Asia on their 2014 summit. The event is designed for process management professionals who want to be at the forefront of change, champion excellence in their organisation and collaborate on creating the next generation of process transformation strategies.
Process Excellence is being redefined in this digital age, transforming organisations and revolutionising how business is conducted globally. To be competitive your company needs to continually evolve and move beyond just Lean Six Sigma.
Process Excellence today draws on a raft of evolving methodologies including Lean, Six Sigma, Business Process Management, Enterprise Architecture, Total Quality Management and Statistical Process Controls to enable organisations to improve the way they operate and deliver. Notable organisations such as the Singapore Exchange, ANZ, Shell, Nokia and the BP Group will be sharing the different ways they have blended and harmonised approaches within their ranks to enable their teams to connect more swiftly to relevant information, improve workflow automation and meet the ever changing consumer and market needs.
Excitingly, as part of this year’s event we have provided delegates with an exclusive opportunity to undertake our certification training programme.
This is designed as two in-depth workshops which will give you the essential skills to take on process change and lead with excellence.
Completing the course will also qualify you as a Certified Process Professional (CPP Levels 1 & 2).
The process professionals we researched with during production of PEX Asia identified their core challenges as how to core challenges as how to:
1. Differentiate their organisation by continually meeting and exceeding process quality and customer service 2. Capture, synthesise and align their client and business needs 3. Continuously improve workflow automation and project turnaround times 4. Swiftly adapt, evolve and improve global supply chain management in ever changing markets 5. Better manage multiple PEX projects
All within reduced timeframes and budgets and still meeting the expected outcomes from reporting executives and boards!
At the PEX ASIA 2014 you will find presenters, delegates, information and ideas which pose solutions to resolving these exact challenges. Using PEX to drive business growth, increase profitability and competitive advantage is more critical than ever.
This is your chance to revitalise, strengthen and accelerate your process strategies. We hope that you will be able to join us in Singapore at our PEX Asia 2014
Please do take a moment to look through the brochure or go to our PEX Asia website for more details. I look forward to meeting you in February in Singapore!
Steve Towers Lead Coach and Co-Founder BP GROUP, UK
We are all citizens of the Information Age. Fifty years ago the first mainframes were being
deployed and provided us with a fantastic way to automate processes. Unfortunately the industrial age mindset prevailed and we now often have the tail wagging the dog. The technology dictating how we do business rather than the real needs of the customer.
Break out of the left to right, top down, linear straightjacket and create solutions that deliver customer success. After all technology is just todays pen and paper.
Is technology constraining your ability to change? Does technology slow innovation in your company? Return to the basics and figure out if it is really contributing, if not scrap it.
Sound obvious but is it really. How do you set about improving your business? Continually improving what you are doing, analyzing, leaning and removing variance? Oops. They say the road to hell is paved with good intention and so it with organizations working hard at the wrong things.
You need to go out and figure what the Successful Customer Outcomes (SCO’s) look like, then come back into your business and ensure everything you are doing aligns with that SCO.
Otherwise you can end up like RIM, Nokia, Kodak and so many other once famous brands now in terminal decline.
What is the balance in your organization. Have SCO’s been clearly articulated and do you know how your work explicitly contributes to them?