Certified Process Professional® Update – October 2012

iPad3’s / Advanced coaching / Videos /Articles/Downloads
Welcome to this bite sized update
** BP Group CPP Advanced Master® & Champion® **
New sessions for wannabe Advanced Masters and Champions

You can now pre register interest for upcoming classes. If you are already a Certified Process Professional review the upcoming Advanced/Champion sessions in New Zealand, UK, USA, South Africa and UAE:
** BP Group professional accreditation **Not yet professionally qualified? Review upcoming sessions from:
Register for a class before year end and enter the draw for an iPad3 – one per class!!
** Winners in the iPad3 ** draws from August and September were drawn in London on October 1st.
Congratulations to the 11 winners – (listed in the closed area)
** Interesting Resources **
Successful Customer Outcomes Six Sigma on Steroids (keynote presentation)
What would Steve Jobs have done?
Big companies can’t innovate halfway
** Review the videos – insights and suggestions J **
A couple of recent interviews and session highlights:
** BP Group is on Linked In company pages **
Linked In now have company pages, and yes the BP Group has its own! Early days however have a look and follow us from:
** PEX ANNUAL US Conference **Have you a story to tell? Do you need to know the latest? – register for Orlando in January here:
Catch you soon, all the Best

And the winners of the ipad3’s are…

Through July and August 309 people qualified as BP Group Certified Process Professionals®. All successful participants have been entered into a draw for an iPad3 to celibrate the BP Groups 20th Anniversary (www.bpgroup.org)… and below are the results from the draw that took place in London on October 1st.

From October through December 31st all events will feature the same thing – one iPad3 per class so if you would like to join the fun and along the way to becoming professionally qualified stand a chance of winning and iPad 3 review the upcoming sessions: http://www.bpgroup.org/certification-by-city.html

Meanwhile here are the highlights of the draw. 

Winners are notified via email and have one month to claim their prize, otherwise the outstaning iPads will go forward into the Oct-Nov-Dec draw (to be drawn at PEX 2013 in January in Florida)

A list of the winners will be published in the BP Groups Certified Process Professional® subgroup on Tuesday 2nd October 2012.

Winners from 11 sessions held August-September 2012
309 in the draw held at BP Groups office in London 1st October 2012

Winning companies include:
Batelco, National Bank of Abu Dhabi, Real People, Dubai Trade, Koru Services Group, Propentus, Standard Chartered Bank, Astra Zeneca, Sodexo, Philips,

Winning countries: Bahrain, UAE, China, UK, Finland, Singapore, Australia, South Africa, India

Was 2009 the year BPM really died?

Thomas Olbrich

Thomas Olbrich
Co-founder and Managing Director at taraneon Process TestL
Saarbrücken Area, Germany

Downsizing, cost cutting, re-aligning to new realities, survival, new business models … 2009 has offered so many challenges to which process owners might have provided not only answers but solutions. And on the whole they have failed:

Failed in that we’re still spending an unacceptable amount of time on process discovery

Failed in that we’re still insisting that automation is a type of management

Failed in that we’ve still not understood that processes either create or destroy value

Failed in that we’re still thinking that any improvement of our internal processes will automatically lead to improved customer processes

Failed in that we’ve still not understood the difference between process projects and process operations

Failed in that we’ve not linked processes to business strategy

Failed in that still we’re using the term ‘process’ as a figleaf to cover functional orientation

Failed in that we’re ignorant of how changing circumstances affect processes

Failed in that we’ve refused to hold process owners accountable for the mess they are administering

Failed in that 20 years after the first big reengineering wave and 10 years after BPM became fashionable to talk about, we have still not managed to create a process mindset

And we’re still wondering why senior management refuses to believe in the value of processes – other than as a theoretical concept? I dare anyone to explain how all the nice sounding process predictions for 2010 a la cloud, SaaS, green processes, BPM 3.0 etc. will make things any better if we first don’t adress the basic issues we’re facing. Looking to the future is one thing but without learning the lessons from the past (http://bit.ly/7fMaAY) the future will just pass us by.

(Sorry about this rant, it’s been a good year from a business and personal perspective, so no complaints there, but I really thought that 2009 would have pushed BPM to a new/higher level of contributing to business excellence)


Recap on the discussioon at: Ongoing – Join the debate here

BP GROUP SOAPBOX 3: Do We Need another Process Methodology?

The Soapbox series is designed to be provactive and let people air their views in a mutually respectful place. You may not agree, and all the better for it, so explain your perspective and share your commitment to transforming the planet!

BP GROUP SOAPBOX 2: Six Sigma caused the global recession.

In a slight digression we have unearthed some very emotive discussions. Has the agenda really shifted this much?

The Soapbox series is designed to be provactive and let people air their views in a mutually respectful place. You may not agree, and all the better for it, so explain your perspective and share your commitment to transforming the planet!

BP Group 20th Birthday – Bridging the Business IT Divide

Yesterday we posted BPM and Scorecards……

Today we cover the Challange of bridging the IT Business divide.
In a few weeks time the BP Group will be twenty years old. As part of the celebration we are publishing an article a day – all are evergreen and provide an insight as valuable today as when they were originally published. 

Business Process Management 2 Bridging The Gap Between Business And Technology from Steve Towers

In our fourth article we will cover Virgins Crown Jewels – winning with Successful Customer Outcomes.


Process Excellence and Business Process Management

Continuing the theme of evergreen articles:

BP Group 20th Birthday – Evergreen Articles

In a few weeks time the BP Group will be twenty years old. As part of the celebration we are publishing an article a day – all are evergreen and provide an insight as valuable today as when they were originally published. 
As we move towards September 19th we will bring the story up to date with a preview of the upcoming book – The High Performance Organisation (Samir Asaf & Steve Towers). Also there are draws from iPad3’s – the first for these on Friday for the recently completed Certified Process Professional Masters® hosted by Jennifer van Wyk in Johannesburg. (see below)
The first article is one we wrote in 2006 – as relevant today (if not more so) – Enjoy!
Developing the BPM skillset for long term success
Tomorrow we’ll cover BPM and the Balanced Scorecard, and Wednesday Business Process Excellence – How to Succeed with BPM in the Age of the Customer

Who is going to win the iPad3 from South Africa?