PEX Award winners 2013

We have just wrapped up here in Orlando for another year. A major highlight of this years event was the Awards program, run as ever in incredible style by the PEX team and especially Amanda aka the Nanny. The BP Groups team wishes to thanks everyone who attended and Amandas colleagues at IQPC who make this work so well including Vanessa, Julie and Lucy.

It is an honor to work on the judges panel and witness the growth and impact of process transformation across so many business sectors.
Next stop for PEX is the European event in London in April – see 

BP GROUP SOAPBOX 2: Six Sigma caused the global recession.

In a slight digression we have unearthed some very emotive discussions. Has the agenda really shifted this much?

The Soapbox series is designed to be provactive and let people air their views in a mutually respectful place. You may not agree, and all the better for it, so explain your perspective and share your commitment to transforming the planet!