Amazons tale of Outside-In (or working backwards as Jeff Bezos calls it)

This slide deck is a wonderful illustration of the hard work underway in the Customer Experience arena. Delivered by Pascal Spelier ( – link with him here – it demonstrates how you connect customer journeys with process transformation.

The same old same old.

Business has changed forever.

If the top team tells the people who are in charge of the coach and horses to make sports cars it isn’t going to work. Don’t be surprised if they deliberately do not understand.

To realize the full benefits of the digital age you need to look at things differently and then do stuff in original ways. You need to see things Outside-In. 

Work in Progress includes Amazon, Southwest Airlines, Emirates, Samsung, Google, Zara.. to name a few. Are you coach and horses, or do you belong with the future?

Enabling customer centric business through process (workshop)

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?!
Well I certainly hope not as we host a 3 hour workshop on 29 Sep at Caesars Palace at the The Business Performance Excellence Summit. Attendees will potentially have their opinion and practice of process changed forever with hands-on insights, tools and techniques. I will be sharing some of the content from my upcoming book “High Performance Organizations” and providing 10+ Gb of information as takeaways.

Join me and the team from IQPC to see what will happen in Vegas.
Here’s the skinny of the workshop with links:

Workshop link | Conference link
Classically process activity has focused on improving productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. Methods and approaches have evolved over decades to help organizations streamline, remove waste and standardize processes to great effect. In fact the American economic success story can be attributed to these fine efforts from global companies. However times have changed and we must change with them.

This session will discuss and review some of the ‘new’ approaches and techniques developed in 21st century leading companies from diverse sectors such as aviation, pharmaceutical, retail fashion, technology and banking. We will look at the common ingredients of their success and how using the power of process linked with customer centric strategy and operations produces a winning and sustainable formula suited to the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Delegates will go away with:
• Overview of the ‘new’ methods and approaches
• Three proven techniques to provide immediate cost reductions, revenue improvements and customer satisfaction improvements
• The 101 Guide to linking process to successful customer outcomes
• In addition delegates will gain access to (a) quick guides, (b) videos, (c) case studies and (d) work sheets for immediate use
• Copy of Steve Towers latest book, The High Performance Organization

Workshop link | Conference link

Oh and let’s finish with a Julius Ceasarism (slightly edited)

Customer Experience trumps standardization

A restaurant chain might not be the first place that comes to mind as a hub of innovative thinking–a consequence perhaps of the corporate motherships that standardize everything from the order-taker’s scripted lines to the clamshell boxes presented on abundant plastic trays.

Panera CEO Ron Shaich:

Review the full story at:

CPP Masters – 2 days in one minute

One minute of the CPP Masters class from Denver…

Review next sessions to get in the picture at: 
Certified Process Professional Masters (CPP-Master) Program
(Warwick UK Sep 15-19, Edmonton Canada Sep 22-26, Las Vegas US Sep 29, Sydney Australia Oct 27-31, Brisbane Australia Nov 3-7, Dubai UAE Dec 7-11, Orlando US Jan 22-23, Denver US Jan 26-30, London UK Mar 2-6)

An internationally recognised program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 130 times, in 52 cities with delegates from 105 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service. Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism.

Certified Process Professionals at PEX in Sydney

IQPC* and PEX maintained their excellent record for hosting the Sydney event. The final day was the Master class hosted by Steve Towers. Here is the motley crew at the end of the session – Congratulations one and all!

The classes in a few weeks time include:
Sydney –
Brisbane –

We hope to see you there.

* Hats-off to organisers Lisa Ao and Domenico Pinto.

Certification in Customer Experience Management, Process Management and Outside-In?

Hard to believe that it is already the second half of 2014. Where does time go these days?

There is no time to delay that next oomph and career boost with some specific hands-on training based on the approaches used in the worlds leading companies. As an individual the Certified Process Professional qualification is the gold standard with a proven pedigree of 28,000+ CPP’s since 2009.

Are you responsible for Process Management?
If you are responsible for your organizations processes, performance management and/or the Customer Experience you can go further and bring the program in-house and have it customized around the CEMMethod for your specific environment. You will be joining organizations like Citibank, WCB, Nature Conservancy, IQ Business, Old Mutual, Mediclinic, Bank of Valleta, AIA, Vodacom, Aramco, NBAD, Reliance, ABB and dozens more – and that’s in the last two years!

The next 3 and 5 day Open 2014 classes in the USA, South Africa, Australia, UAE, Singapore and the UK.

This week we are in South Africa for the CPP Masters program co-hosted with African partners IQ Business – follow progress via #certifiedprocessprofessional.

Here’s the team shot of the last session in Johannesburg a couple of months ago.

Customer Experience and Outside-In

In a recent article we covered McKinsey’s take on Outside-In. This time let’s look at a practical toolkit that can help you define any process, set of activities, or indeed enterprise in terms of the Customer Experience.

Our guidance ultimately links every task and activity in the organization with a Successful Customer Outcome. The Customer Experience is therefore the sum of all interactions; both those seen by the customer and those taking place backstage.

Customer Experiences should ultimately be designed and controlled for the mutual benefit of the customer and the organization.