Call Centre Metrics are the Reason Customers Are so Unhappy (part 1)

Here are seven classic examples from a recent blog of someone selling Call Centre Services. No, I really am to polite to call them out. I thought I had travelled back in time 50 years, but I am appalled there are people still doing this?!

This hurts my Head

Why are these so Wrong?
Answers on a post card but Part Two Next week will provide more insight.

And then in Part Three we will explore the alternatives…

Call Centre Measures that cripple Your Customer Experiences
(the seven deadly sins)

Service Level – “The service level is the percentage of calls responded in a particular time limit. It assesses the skills of agents to deliver the service as per the Service Level Agreement (SLA) given to the clients.”…. It is a significant way to judge the performance of a call center.

Average Call Handle Time –  “This KPI measures time an agent needs on a call.”

Average Queue Time – “To assure that the wait time of callers rests in the fair scope and the patience of customers should not be tested”

Call Abandonment – “It is a usual experience in the call center that clients disconnect the calls before even connecting to an agent.”

First Call Resolution – “The client is frequently in a rush. Thus, he requires that the concern of the caller must be fixed in the first call”

Occupancy Rate – “It is completely about the ability to complete the work within minimum time.”

Agent Turnover Rate – “It measures the rate of agents who switch the job. It not only causes customer service conflicts and delays as well as it also creates many issues.”

A person once said this to me… “If you pay people for doing dumb stuff they will get really smart at it”

A Very Wise Women

In Part Two we will review why Call Centre thinking is so BAD and should be BANNED.

We coach Certified and Accredited Professional Qualifications

110 K people qualified since 2006 in 124 countries
60+ Global Coaches and Mentors – All have been there and done it!

The Certified Process Professional Master (CPPM)
4 days, 5 hours per day ONLINE & LIVE – August 10-13

The Accredited Customer Experience Master (ACXM)
4 days, 5 hours per day ONLINE & LIVE – August 18-21

Uncovering the Secrets of the Top Influencers

Who are the best and what are their secrets?

I revisited my lists of sources, contacts and influencers, brought them up to date (the last two years or so) and collated the best across the domains I operate in. I included the recent Award winners acknowledged for their contributions to business. The result you can access below which contains the people, their LinkedIn connections, their best videos and in some cases additional resources.

My work takes me all over the planet and I get to meet some awesome people who are generous with their time and ideas. I then test, optimise and codify these great ideas into techniques and approaches we can all access.

Dare! Amazon Number 1 Best Seller (2020)

I was relating this approach at a keynote in a conference in Romania recently following the publication of our new Amazon best selling book Dare!

The keynote went well (see the extract version below) and everyone adjourned to the bar to relax and network.

At that drinks reception several people wanted to know my sources of inspiration, so naturally, we started trading names, some well known and some not yet so. As I was doing this it struck me this was one of the most commonly asked questions whether I am talking or working with some of the leading companies on the planet. So an idea was born…

Steve’s keynote in Bucharest in February 2020

Who are the best and what are their secrets?

I revisited my lists of sources, contacts and influencers, brought them up to date (the last two years or so) and collated the best across the domains I operate in. I included the recent Award winners acknowledged for their contributions to business. The result you can access below which contains the people, their LinkedIn connections, their best videos and in some cases additional resources.

So the next time someone asks me a question about influencers I am going to point them here!

All the Best, Keep safe and well,

Customer Experience, Customer Service, Leadership and Operational Excellence

Click the image to access videos, books and other resources!

TipTop Influencers

Yesterday someone asked me why was I publishing all the FREE material?

Well, in my line of work I am so often asked ‘who is the best person to watch on youtube about y?’ and of course each of us has our go-to person or people that we always mention. Terrific speakers and storytellers alike but I wanted to go one step further and collate some favourites. But then can it just be my opinion (as good as that could be?). No.

So I have scoured the web for the organisations who take time to run Awards programs and pass on that information for broader consumption. You could of course just go on Youtube and search for hours (and days) but these Tiptop Influencer lists make short work of that.

Change Architect of the Year

The Global Change Architect of the Year is announced! And 2020’s award goes to Roland D Naidoo in South Africa.

The BP Group and Affiliates are pleased to announce the winner of this years prestigious ‘Change Architect of the Year’ Award goes to Roland Naidoo, Head of Customer Operations at Multichoice in Africa.

The Award, now in its third year, recognises the formidable achievements of the winner in delivering both personal, professional and business transformation in the organisations they work with.

Roland Naidoo is a Chief Coach and Mentor for several hundred people and has pioneered the integration of Customer Experience Management by changing the methods, approaches and measures of success to innovate within his organisation. 

Over the last few years Roland has also led the upskilling of more than 150 colleagues across the business with professional qualifications in Customer Experience and Process Management and now co-ordinates a team of 20+ qualified ACX Mentors who in turn are coaching, transferring the skills and leading their teams with advanced Customer Experience Management Methods.

Prior to joining Multichoice Roland worked in the banking sector and technology companies in South Africa.

Selected by their immediate peers and fellow professionals the Change Architect of the Year now appears in the ‘Change Architects Hall of Fame’ A charismatic leader Roland is now acknowledged as this years ‘Global Change Architect for 2020’. 

You can review Roland’s profile at:

Previous winners of the Award can be reviewed at

If you would like to qualify and become Accredited in Customer Experience, Process Transformation and Operations Management visit

It is the end of the world as we know it… but I feel fine

The following from C. S. Lewis was written in 1948 after the dawn of the atomic age. Just substitute COVID-19 for the Atomic bomb and you will get the shivers.

In one way we think a great deal too much of the atomic bomb. “How are we to live in an atomic age?” I am tempted to reply: “Why, as you would have lived in the sixteenth century when the plague visited London almost every year, or as you would have lived in a Viking age when raiders from Scandinavia might land and cut your throat any night; or indeed, as you are already living in an age of cancer, an age of syphilis, an age of paralysis, an age of air raids, an age of railway accidents, an age of motor accidents.”

In other words, do not let us begin by exaggerating the novelty of our situation. Believe me, dear sir or madam, you and all whom you love were already sentenced to death before the atomic bomb was invented: and quite a high percentage of us were going to die in unpleasant ways. We had, indeed, one very great advantage over our ancestors—anesthetics; but we have that still. It is perfectly ridiculous to go about whimpering and drawing long faces because the scientists have added one more chance of painful and premature death to a world which already bristled with such chances and in which death itself was not a chance at all, but a certainty.

This is the first point to be made: and the first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together. If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things—praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds.

— “On Living in an Atomic Age” (1948)

Chilling eh? And hopeful too!
It is the end of the world as we know it… REM would be a good bash on the last night perhaps?

James Dodkins Online Tour Rocks Customer Experience!

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! The ACXS™ training and certification program is now available online.
Get instant access to 25 video lessons and become certified as an Accredited Customer Experience Specialist – the first choice certification for CX disrupters.

You will learn how to connect with your customers at a deeper level, understand their expectations, where they came from and how to change them, uncover hidden needs, articulate ‘Successful Customer Outcome’ statements and build ideal experiences that deliver on these things.

Measure the CX6, calculate Return on Experience Investment, implement Proactive Experience Recovery, learn how to redefine CX in your company…and much, much more.

Things are a bit crazy right now, we’re all stuck at home, we’re all looking for ways to make the most of our time, we’re all trying to be as productive as possible – Why not become an Accredited Customer Experience Specialist Online, On-Demand, On Your Terms?

Use code ‘special50’ to get a massive 50% discount, taking lifetime access to the training down to from £860 to only £430!

And if that wasn’t good enough you can spread the payments out over 4 crazy low payments of just £107.50

LIVE online Outside-In with Steve Towers & Partners

I can’t believe it is this simple…

4 Minute overview of the content of the 6 sessions over 6
weeks at 3 hours per week

Hi Steve here, as an aside I first ran these sessions in December last year and they were very well received, despite being on a Sunday, so ignore my comment in the first few seconds about Sunday because they are through the week as well.

You will join for 3 hours per week in a live interactive video call and put to work the techniques I review in the video. Immediately usable with colleagues (near or far) you will innovate new approaches to work as we all grapple with our new normals.

Available across the planet in time zone friendly sessions – watch the overview and click the links below to review the detail and register.

See you on the inside! (I mention Sunday training but that is up to you)

Please keep safe in our new normal and I hope to see you soon in the online sessions! (Live, interactive and hands-on with real case studies).

OutsideIn goes ONLINE with Steve Towers

Hey, Steve here,

We all know times are difficult so I wanted to use the current challenges of many of us in self-isolation to our collective advantage and launch a spiffy online series of sessions focused on the very latest ‘Next practices’ to complement your customer experience/process certification.

Steve keynoting in Romania in March 2020

For the first time ever, I’ll be teaching Outside-In 2020 Vision Workshop starting soon with SIX sessions over SIX weeks, and then a Bonus seventh session.

This training will be held online in a live weekly interactive video class. You’ll get your questions answered, see live-action, and practice with others. Each week will be about 3 hours.

If you’ve already found value in customer experience and process thinking, and want to go farther, I hope you join these sessions.

DATES for the Six LIVE Sessions (and timezones)

South Africa – Register Here Now  >> Monday: April 6, 13, 20, 27 May 4, 11 <<

Australasia – Register Here Now  >> Tuesday: April 7, 14, 21, 28 May 5, 12 <<

USA – Register Here Now  >> Wednesday April 8, 15, 22, 29 May 6, 13 <<

Europe – Register Here Now  >> Thursday April 9, 16, 23, 30 May 7, 14 <<


Session One Only (to test if this works for you) USD 97 AUD EURO
Session 1-6
(early bird) USD 297 AUD EURO
Session 1-6 USD 597 AUD EURO

Explore Deeper Outside-In

This will be an opportunity for people already using the CEMMethod to go farther and to systematically explore significant areas of process and customer experience transformation. Working together as a group we can learn from and be inspired by each other, as well as gain from Steve’s experience.

We will learn…

  • New Outside-In principles.
  • New methods and formats.
  • Learn more about advanced Outside-In practices.
  • How to deal with challenges we’ve encountered – in our own work and with the people in our organisations.
  • Learn and begin to deploy the Outside-In Customer Performance Landscape. This is a powerful tool that literally connects the dots of everyone and everything an enterprise does.
  • How to integrate the different approaches and formats into a single approach.

Woven into the teaching, we’ll have the opportunity to explore unexpected aspects of Outside-In and the CEMMethod as they emerge.

Because this work is operating on a different level than most of us are accustomed to, frequently small (or big) “misunderstandings” on the part of the unconscious mind can hold us back — until our system “gets it.” We will explore how to identify these “misunderstandings” and how to create new insights and “aha” moments.
DATES for the Six LIVE Sessions (and timezones)

South Africa – Register Here Now  >> Monday: April 6, 13, 20, 27 May 4, 11 <<

Australasia – Register Here Now  >> Tuesday: April 7, 14, 21, 28 May 5, 12 <<

USA – Register Here Now  >> Wednesday April 8, 15, 22, 29 May 6, 13 <<

Europe – Register Here Now  >> Thursday April 9, 16, 23, 30 May 7, 14 <<

My personal interest in teaching this

From my experience so far, I believe thinking and practising Outside-In has the potential to guide each of us individually on a path that is transformative. And because it brings more wisdom, clarity, compassion, and humour, it can bring needed healing and transformation to our world.

I would like to support those wanting this deep transformation, and those wanting to coach others, to have the skills and experience that will make this possible. That’s the purpose of this Advanced Outside-In Training for 2020.

I’ll be including as much as I can fit in of what I’ve learned over the past two decades exploring this work in my own life.

Seeing Outside-In online soon

Live Online Video Training

This will be an online course, so you can participate from any location. We’ll have interactive video, so it will be much like in-person training — except you won’t have any travel costs.

A big benefit from this course will be participating in the paired exercises with coaching available. Each exercise will take us into different Outside-In territory. 

Training Dates & Times

We’ll meet approximately 3 hours, once a week, for 6 sessions.
After the training, there will be a bonus coaching session to help integrate the learning.

DATES for the Six LIVE Sessions (and timezones)

South Africa – Register Here Now  >> Monday: April 6, 13, 20, 27 May 4, 11 <<

Australasia – Register Here Now  >> Tuesday: April 7, 14, 21, 28 May 5, 12 <<

USA – Register Here Now  >> Wednesday April 8, 15, 22, 29 May 6, 13 <<

Europe – Register Here Now  >> Thursday April 9, 16, 23, 30 May 7, 14 <<


Session One Only (to test if this works for you) USD 97 AUD EURO
Session 1-6
(early bird) USD 297 AUD EURO
Session 1-6 USD 597 AUD EURO

How this Online Training Works

  • The training will happen online through Zoom.
  • This will be an extended training, meeting approximately 3 hours, once a week, for 6 sessions. Each session we’ll learn at least one new format. As with the live training, I’ll demonstrate each new method, you’ll be able to practice each method, and we’ll have time for discussion afterwards.
  • We’ll be able to include everyone’s video feed so that we can see and hear each other. When I’m talking you’ll see and hear me. Then when I do a demonstration, you’ll be able to see me and the work I am doing. When there’s a discussion, we’ll be able to see who is sharing.
  • We’ll be able to do exercises in pairs, by using Zoom’s “room” feature. Each pair will have their own “video room” to do the exercise, and you’ll be able to raise your hand and call me into your room if you want coaching assistance. Once the exercise is done we’ll return to the meeting as a group.
Access the recordings of the sessions, anywhere anytime to suit your Needs.

 Recordings You Can Review
Each training session will be recorded, and you’ll have the opportunity to view the recording as many times as you like in between sessions. If you have to miss a session, you can catch up by viewing the video. The recordings will remain available (to training participants only), until 2 weeks after the last training session.

Extra Support
Included in this training, I’m offering a follow-up group coaching session, (meeting online and recorded), just for participants in this training. The intention of this coaching session is to support you in integrating your new learnings about Outside-In, in your life and your ongoing practice. You’ll be able to share how things are going and ask questions about challenges, or anything else.
Who is Eligible
If you’ve already found value in customer experience, process thinking or Outside-In, and want to go farther, I do hope you will join us on this exciting journey. Of course, if you have gone on further to become a Master or Champion this training will help you be even more effective.
Check with us if you have any questions.

DATES for the Six LIVE Sessions (and timezones)

South Africa – Register Here Now  >> Monday: April 6, 13, 20, 27 May 4, 11 <<

Australasia – Register Here Now  >> Tuesday: April 7, 14, 21, 28 May 5, 12 <<

USA – Register Here Now  >> Wednesday April 8, 15, 22, 29 May 6, 13 <<

Europe – Register Here Now  >> Thursday April 9, 16, 23, 30 May 7, 14 <<


Session One Only (to test if this works for you) USD 97 AUD EURO
Session 1-6
(early bird) USD 297 AUD EURO
Session 1-6 USD 597 AUD EURO

Technical Requirements
To participate you’ll need access to the internet, and have a computer or laptop with a webcam. We’ll ask you to participate in a very brief set up a meeting ahead of time, to make sure you can log into the meeting successfully.

Investment: $297 EARLY BIRD – $597 FULL PRICE –  Register Here Now
This includes…

  • the online course of 6 sessions,
  • the 1 follow-up coaching session, and
  • access to video recordings during the training period
  • an advanced copy of my new book ‘Outside-In 2020 vision’
  • access to a dedicated and exclusive WhatsApp Outside-In group
  • certification and accreditation
  • lifetime access to The Experience Manager

Because this is an extended training, after each session if you have suggestions or questions you’d like me to address at the next meeting, you can email or WhatsApp them to me.

DATES for the Six LIVE Sessions (and timezones)

South Africa – Register Here Now  >> Monday: April 6, 13, 20, 27 May 4, 11 <<

Australasia – Register Here Now  >> Tuesday: April 7, 14, 21, 28 May 5, 12 <<

USA – Register Here Now  >> Wednesday April 8, 15, 22, 29 May 6, 13 <<

Europe – Register Here Now  >> Thursday April 9, 16, 23, 30 May 7, 14 <<


Session One Only (to test if this works for you) USD 97 AUD EURO
Session 1-6
(early bird) USD 297 AUD EURO
Session 1-6 USD 597 AUD EURO

Group Size: We’ll be limiting the group size, so register soon if you want to be sure to have a seat at the ONLINE table.
If you’ve already found value in Customer Experience, Process Management or Outside-In, and want to go farther, I hope you join this training.

I am very much looking forward to it and meeting with you soon,

Steve Towers

Customer Experience world-class online training

The online ACX Masters program gives Customer Experience and Business Transformation leaders the opportunity to go beyond surface-level presentation and get hands-on, practical takeaways to enable their own successful, business-wide transformations.

Attracting 100,000+ global professionals for those handling seismic business change, this Masterclass provides a Fast track look into customer experience management, change, leadership, BPM and CX space, and the challenges that leading industry professionals are overcoming, both on a macro and micro level.

See the full ACX Masters Level 1-5 online agenda at

Gain the insights from the 2020 Amazon Number One bestseller, ‘Dare! Behind The Scenes Of The Best Business Transformation Project In The World.’ And how large and small organizations can transform their people, processes and performance rapidly with an inclusive approach that delivers successful business and customer outcomes.

One Day Masterclass April 21 Business Transformation Hands-on

Developing the skills to ‘see around corners’ is just one of the factors that separate high performing professionals and companies from the also-rans.
That is what this one-day Masterclass, led by Number One Best Selling Author, Global 20 Guru and Consultant to the best, Steve Towers, is all about.

This is an intensive hands-on workshop during which you will gain access to powerful tools that can, with immediate impact, transform your business and customer outcomes forever.

You can review the complete detail here:

You will leave the workshop equipped with new tools and techniques, access to all the workshop materials plus a signed copy of Steve’s books Outside-In and his 2020 Number One bestseller Dare! Behind The Scenes Of The Best Business Transformation Project In The World.

You can review the complete detail here:

Space is limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.


You have impacted the lives of many of us in the Business community, in a big way in our career journey. Our success can be attributed to your insights on Outside-In Thinking and Customer Experience, among others.
Mashaba Mulaudzi, Manager Process Innovation, South Africa

This experience has completely transformed how we measure, collaborate, communicate and innovate with the customer in mind. Keen to guide the next willing souls on this journey.
Durrel Ramrathan, ACX Master Coach

Brilliant Workshop. The speaker was awesome and gave great guidance on matters I am finding in the workplace.
Cindy-Lee Muller, Planning & Roadmap Manager, MTN (Pty) Ltd

The workshop is highly recommended for anyone who wishes to simplify and expedite processes thereby enhancing customer satisfaction. The speaker is immensely knowledgeable and demonstrates vast experience in the subject.
David Mulovhedzi, DPSA

Thank you so much for your time, energy, and investment in our growth and success during our Masters course. You shared your wisdom, stories, and made it personalized to us. We are so grateful.
SAP Sales Process Optimization Team, USA

Thanks to you for a fantastic mentoring programme … I am an Outside-In fan now!
Jimmy Cuadra, Director of Information Management, Akzo Nobel Paints, Singapore