Two-minute bite-sized chunk provides the answer.
Two-minute bite-sized chunk provides the answer.
This was an interview across the continents
(I am currently in Colorado, James is in England)
Do get along to the link – James will be hosting CX Rockstars from all over the globe 🙂
You can reach Roland here to progress the discussion:
I was deeply honoured by the PEX community at the annual conference in Florida last month and received the Global Community 2018 Award. Needless to say (but I will) this is as much down to you guys and your great transformational work, so I graciously excepted the Award on your behalf. Thank you so much :
See the snapshot here:
Next time we will be reviewing highlights of the upcoming 2018 conferences…
The once favorite topic for improving business performance was Lean Six Sigma, however, the last two years have seen the ascendancy of Customer Experience (CX) as a focus for top teams. ‘Google trends’ is a good barometer of emerging interests and this graph demonstrates increasing interest in CX (blue) compared with LSS (red).
Curiously the largest interest in industrial age improvement techniques like Lean and Six Sigma is in non-English speaking countries, whereas Customer Experience is strongly represented in North America, UK, Australia and South Africa.
For those using the search term ‘Customer Experience,’ the associated topic list provides additional insight into searchers interests. The % trend reflects the growth year on year with ‘Omnichannel’ and ‘Digital data’ seeing explosive growth.
By way of additional information, a search with Epictions focused on Articles produces these top three pieces in the last three months on the theme of ‘Customer Experience – Omnichannel’.
1. The Future of Car Sales Is Omnichannel (Bain & Co)
2. Your Omnichannel Reading Challenge (Genesys)
3. Omnichannel Study: Now’s Your Chance to Get Ahead of the Competition for the Holidays (Marketingprofs)
The ‘Reading Challenge’ provides an opportunity to dig deeper with some surprising reads available related to employee engagement and the very latest customer trends.
In the BP Group, we have codified the very best practices of CX leaders in and around Customer Experience into the CEMMethod™.
If you would like to find out more about how to access this learning please visit us at or drop by at
Data and information shared with thanks to Google and Epictions.
The single biggest piece of advice I give to senior executives setting out on the Customer Experience journey is to STOP. Yes seriously, the vast majority of CX efforts are completely misaligned.
Don’t get me wrong the intentions are good. Unfortunately, it goes something like this:
This isn’t rocket science (unless you are NASA of course). Understanding that the structures and ways of working from the industrial age were NEVER designed to be customer-centric. They were established to make things faster by optimizing production lines.
And oh, don’t think because you are not in manufacturing you are OK. It is likely your complete ways of working will be making everything look like production management systems, with talk of leaning out, waste reduction, standardization, efficiency, productivity. Sound familiar?
I encourage doing three things before re-joining the CX road-march:
In conclusion, Customer Experience cannot be treated just like another corporate initiative. To achieve success requires a significant shift in mindsets, and when that is achieved the realignment of the Enterprise to Outside-In can really begin.
☑ More Articles like this one – visit my CX Obsession resources
☑ Upskilling and mentoring – Every level from the boardroom to the lunch room – BP Group
☑ In person and virtual training – The ACXM™ program
☑ Executive briefings and keynotes – How to get your hands on me and other CXperts (see what I did there?)
Neat utility that can help with trending Customer Experience topics 🙂 #cx
Go beyond that and let’s get more scientific about the customer experience.
Those organizations who get it measure CX success through winning the triple crown, simultaneously reducing costs, growing revenues and improving service. How are you measuring Customer Experience?
Join your fellow professionals in getting more scientific about the Customer Experience.