Customer Experience Management reduces costs, grows revenue, enhances service and wins the Triple Crown

Impact on Customer Satisfaction and Revenue Growth
If you deliver a great customer experience research* suggests customers will buy from you again – and that is both B2C and B2B.

Impact on cost
Delivering an engineered Customer Experience will reduce costs by identifying work currently undertaken that does not contribute to a Successful Customer Outcome. Elimination of this unnecessary work speeds and streamlines the process. In fact it is about creating, managing and delivering to expectations.

Virgins maxim of “Simple basics with occasional moments of magic”enables their people to deliver consistently with discretion to go the extra mile when necessary.

* Forrester in 2009 used data from nearly 5,000 consumer surveys to examine the correlation between the Customer Experiences delivered by 100+ US firms and customer loyalty. Results across 12 industries showed that good Customer Experience correlates to consumers’ willingness to repurchase, reluctance to switch, and likelihood to recommend firms.

CEMMethod (updated) download new material

I hope you are well. Where has this year gone?

** CEMMethod v. 10 **
As with all these things Customer Experience Management continues to develop as organizations mature and understand better the need to align everything they do to the successful customer outcome. And in the spirit of new boots and pants we have updated the CEMMethod and associated glossary to version ten. Eleven years after its public launch now with 40+ individual techniques and approaches designed to hand hold you through the tricky territory of reframing process Outside-In.

** Updated Training program **
Naturally the training has evolved alongside the latest thinking and practice in the worlds leading organizations, so if you need a refresher talk to us about the very special pricing. If you have colleagues who should adopt the CEMMethod and become qualified business process professionals then join us for three or five day sessions at a venue near you soon.

** CPP Masters program **
Johannesburg, Sydney, Brisbane, Dubai, Denver, Orlando, London, Singapore

CEMMethod (v10) – download the guide and glossary –

Note the links expire January 30, 2015


Certified Process Professional Masters (CPP-Master) Program
(Orlando US Jan 22-23, Denver US Jan 26-30, London UK Mar 2-6)

An internationally recognised program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 130 times, in 52 cities with delegates from 105 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service. Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your

CPP Masters – 2 days in one minute

One minute of the CPP Masters class from Denver…

Review next sessions to get in the picture at: 
Certified Process Professional Masters (CPP-Master) Program
(Warwick UK Sep 15-19, Edmonton Canada Sep 22-26, Las Vegas US Sep 29, Sydney Australia Oct 27-31, Brisbane Australia Nov 3-7, Dubai UAE Dec 7-11, Orlando US Jan 22-23, Denver US Jan 26-30, London UK Mar 2-6)

An internationally recognised program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 130 times, in 52 cities with delegates from 105 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service. Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism.

Customer Experience is all about people (yup you and me)

The latest from Gary leaves us in no doubt 😉

BPM helping in healthcare

BPM helping in healthcare: We continue our occasional series on how different industry sectors are supported through the deployment of BPM – both as a technology, way of working and sustainable means of delivering the Triple Crown (lower costs, higher revenues and enhanced service).

Ottawa hospital won best project category at the annual PEX event in Orlando earlier this year. It is an annual forum sharing and exchanging information in and around BPM, Process Excellence and Customer Experience Management.

The next USA PEX event can be reviewed at:

other recommended conferences on the theme include:
Australia (July) –
USA (September) –

Great illustraton of Outside-In thinking and practice. Jeff Bezos provides his viewpoint..

“I would hope people would say that Amazon is earth’s most customer-centric company, and that we work backwards from customers. Many companies sort of look at what their skills are and they work forward from their skills. They say this is what we’re good at, and this is what we’ll do. It’s a very different approach from saying here is what our customers need, and we will learn whatever skills we need.”

That really describes the difference between inside-out thinking (examine your capabilities and figure out how to optimize them) to Outside-In – (figure out the Customer needs and align everything to deliver the Successful Customer Outcome)