OutsideIn goes ONLINE with Steve Towers

Hey, Steve here,

We all know times are difficult so I wanted to use the current challenges of many of us in self-isolation to our collective advantage and launch a spiffy online series of sessions focused on the very latest ‘Next practices’ to complement your customer experience/process certification.

Steve keynoting in Romania in March 2020

For the first time ever, I’ll be teaching Outside-In 2020 Vision Workshop starting soon with SIX sessions over SIX weeks, and then a Bonus seventh session.

This training will be held online in a live weekly interactive video class. You’ll get your questions answered, see live-action, and practice with others. Each week will be about 3 hours.

If you’ve already found value in customer experience and process thinking, and want to go farther, I hope you join these sessions.

DATES for the Six LIVE Sessions (and timezones)

South Africa – Register Here Now  >> Monday: April 6, 13, 20, 27 May 4, 11 <<

Australasia – Register Here Now  >> Tuesday: April 7, 14, 21, 28 May 5, 12 <<

USA – Register Here Now  >> Wednesday April 8, 15, 22, 29 May 6, 13 <<

Europe – Register Here Now  >> Thursday April 9, 16, 23, 30 May 7, 14 <<


Session One Only (to test if this works for you) USD 97 AUD EURO
Session 1-6
(early bird) USD 297 AUD EURO
Session 1-6 USD 597 AUD EURO

Explore Deeper Outside-In

This will be an opportunity for people already using the CEMMethod to go farther and to systematically explore significant areas of process and customer experience transformation. Working together as a group we can learn from and be inspired by each other, as well as gain from Steve’s experience.

We will learn…

  • New Outside-In principles.
  • New methods and formats.
  • Learn more about advanced Outside-In practices.
  • How to deal with challenges we’ve encountered – in our own work and with the people in our organisations.
  • Learn and begin to deploy the Outside-In Customer Performance Landscape. This is a powerful tool that literally connects the dots of everyone and everything an enterprise does.
  • How to integrate the different approaches and formats into a single approach.

Woven into the teaching, we’ll have the opportunity to explore unexpected aspects of Outside-In and the CEMMethod as they emerge.

Because this work is operating on a different level than most of us are accustomed to, frequently small (or big) “misunderstandings” on the part of the unconscious mind can hold us back — until our system “gets it.” We will explore how to identify these “misunderstandings” and how to create new insights and “aha” moments.
DATES for the Six LIVE Sessions (and timezones)

South Africa – Register Here Now  >> Monday: April 6, 13, 20, 27 May 4, 11 <<

Australasia – Register Here Now  >> Tuesday: April 7, 14, 21, 28 May 5, 12 <<

USA – Register Here Now  >> Wednesday April 8, 15, 22, 29 May 6, 13 <<

Europe – Register Here Now  >> Thursday April 9, 16, 23, 30 May 7, 14 <<

My personal interest in teaching this

From my experience so far, I believe thinking and practising Outside-In has the potential to guide each of us individually on a path that is transformative. And because it brings more wisdom, clarity, compassion, and humour, it can bring needed healing and transformation to our world.

I would like to support those wanting this deep transformation, and those wanting to coach others, to have the skills and experience that will make this possible. That’s the purpose of this Advanced Outside-In Training for 2020.

I’ll be including as much as I can fit in of what I’ve learned over the past two decades exploring this work in my own life.

Seeing Outside-In online soon

Live Online Video Training

This will be an online course, so you can participate from any location. We’ll have interactive video, so it will be much like in-person training — except you won’t have any travel costs.

A big benefit from this course will be participating in the paired exercises with coaching available. Each exercise will take us into different Outside-In territory. 

Training Dates & Times

We’ll meet approximately 3 hours, once a week, for 6 sessions.
After the training, there will be a bonus coaching session to help integrate the learning.

DATES for the Six LIVE Sessions (and timezones)

South Africa – Register Here Now  >> Monday: April 6, 13, 20, 27 May 4, 11 <<

Australasia – Register Here Now  >> Tuesday: April 7, 14, 21, 28 May 5, 12 <<

USA – Register Here Now  >> Wednesday April 8, 15, 22, 29 May 6, 13 <<

Europe – Register Here Now  >> Thursday April 9, 16, 23, 30 May 7, 14 <<


Session One Only (to test if this works for you) USD 97 AUD EURO
Session 1-6
(early bird) USD 297 AUD EURO
Session 1-6 USD 597 AUD EURO

How this Online Training Works

  • The training will happen online through Zoom.
  • This will be an extended training, meeting approximately 3 hours, once a week, for 6 sessions. Each session we’ll learn at least one new format. As with the live training, I’ll demonstrate each new method, you’ll be able to practice each method, and we’ll have time for discussion afterwards.
  • We’ll be able to include everyone’s video feed so that we can see and hear each other. When I’m talking you’ll see and hear me. Then when I do a demonstration, you’ll be able to see me and the work I am doing. When there’s a discussion, we’ll be able to see who is sharing.
  • We’ll be able to do exercises in pairs, by using Zoom’s “room” feature. Each pair will have their own “video room” to do the exercise, and you’ll be able to raise your hand and call me into your room if you want coaching assistance. Once the exercise is done we’ll return to the meeting as a group.
Access the recordings of the sessions, anywhere anytime to suit your Needs.

 Recordings You Can Review
Each training session will be recorded, and you’ll have the opportunity to view the recording as many times as you like in between sessions. If you have to miss a session, you can catch up by viewing the video. The recordings will remain available (to training participants only), until 2 weeks after the last training session.

Extra Support
Included in this training, I’m offering a follow-up group coaching session, (meeting online and recorded), just for participants in this training. The intention of this coaching session is to support you in integrating your new learnings about Outside-In, in your life and your ongoing practice. You’ll be able to share how things are going and ask questions about challenges, or anything else.
Who is Eligible
If you’ve already found value in customer experience, process thinking or Outside-In, and want to go farther, I do hope you will join us on this exciting journey. Of course, if you have gone on further to become a Master or Champion this training will help you be even more effective.
Check with us if you have any questions.

DATES for the Six LIVE Sessions (and timezones)

South Africa – Register Here Now  >> Monday: April 6, 13, 20, 27 May 4, 11 <<

Australasia – Register Here Now  >> Tuesday: April 7, 14, 21, 28 May 5, 12 <<

USA – Register Here Now  >> Wednesday April 8, 15, 22, 29 May 6, 13 <<

Europe – Register Here Now  >> Thursday April 9, 16, 23, 30 May 7, 14 <<


Session One Only (to test if this works for you) USD 97 AUD EURO
Session 1-6
(early bird) USD 297 AUD EURO
Session 1-6 USD 597 AUD EURO

Technical Requirements
To participate you’ll need access to the internet, and have a computer or laptop with a webcam. We’ll ask you to participate in a very brief set up a meeting ahead of time, to make sure you can log into the meeting successfully.

Investment: $297 EARLY BIRD – $597 FULL PRICE –  Register Here Now
This includes…

  • the online course of 6 sessions,
  • the 1 follow-up coaching session, and
  • access to video recordings during the training period
  • an advanced copy of my new book ‘Outside-In 2020 vision’
  • access to a dedicated and exclusive WhatsApp Outside-In group
  • certification and accreditation
  • lifetime access to The Experience Manager

Because this is an extended training, after each session if you have suggestions or questions you’d like me to address at the next meeting, you can email or WhatsApp them to me.

DATES for the Six LIVE Sessions (and timezones)

South Africa – Register Here Now  >> Monday: April 6, 13, 20, 27 May 4, 11 <<

Australasia – Register Here Now  >> Tuesday: April 7, 14, 21, 28 May 5, 12 <<

USA – Register Here Now  >> Wednesday April 8, 15, 22, 29 May 6, 13 <<

Europe – Register Here Now  >> Thursday April 9, 16, 23, 30 May 7, 14 <<


Session One Only (to test if this works for you) USD 97 AUD EURO
Session 1-6
(early bird) USD 297 AUD EURO
Session 1-6 USD 597 AUD EURO

Group Size: We’ll be limiting the group size, so register soon if you want to be sure to have a seat at the ONLINE table.
If you’ve already found value in Customer Experience, Process Management or Outside-In, and want to go farther, I hope you join this training.

I am very much looking forward to it and meeting with you soon,

Steve Towers

Customer Experience world-class online training

The online ACX Masters program gives Customer Experience and Business Transformation leaders the opportunity to go beyond surface-level presentation and get hands-on, practical takeaways to enable their own successful, business-wide transformations.

Attracting 100,000+ global professionals for those handling seismic business change, this Masterclass provides a Fast track look into customer experience management, change, leadership, BPM and CX space, and the challenges that leading industry professionals are overcoming, both on a macro and micro level.

See the full ACX Masters Level 1-5 online agenda at https://www.cxexecutive.com/agenda.html

Gain the insights from the 2020 Amazon Number One bestseller, ‘Dare! Behind The Scenes Of The Best Business Transformation Project In The World.’ And how large and small organizations can transform their people, processes and performance rapidly with an inclusive approach that delivers successful business and customer outcomes.

Rockin in the real CX World

Coming to London in March and will blow your #cx and #ux socks off!!

4 Reasons to attend Steve Towers Masterclass in London

I am returning to #England for my annual Steve Towers
#masterclass in #london #cuxtomerexperience #cx #process #acxs #acx #ccxp Don’t be shy, come and learn the latest, greatest techniques as practised by companies like #amazon #zara #zappos and #emirates 

Recently qualified Masters enjoy the photocall in Orlando

We are bringing to the table the newest innovations and hands-on methods to immediately deliver success on your return to work. Yes, these sessions are fun, and what with London just before Christmas, what is there not to like?

And hey if you have already done one of our coaching events ping me and I can arrange a loyalty discount 😉 There’s a mountain of new stuff as we launch #theexperiencemanager and #cemmethod version 12.


INTRODUCING… the much requested (and anticipated) now available ONLINE Outside-In training.

To compliment our globally successful classroom program (now 118 countries with 100,000+ certified professionals) I am running SIX online live sessions over SIX weeks.

If you are already qualified it is 80% NEW STUFF. If you are not then COME ON DOWN. Early Bird registration now Open.

Download the one-pager here
Early Bird registration now Open.

Customer Centricity Awards North America

I am proud to officially announce my participation as one of the judges at the “North American Customer Centricity Awards” organised by Arcet Global.

Hosted in Dallas, Texas, this event showcases the best in customer experience and leadership across North America. Sharing ‘next’ practice, case studies and learning from each other’s success across a wide range of sectors.

I will be joining several senior judges and very much excited and looking forward to assessing the submissions from some of the worlds leading customer-centric companies.

#judge #awards #innovation #customerexperience #ARCETGlobal #customercentricity #dallas #texas

Customer Obsession v. Customer Focused

Jeff Bezos encourages us to become Customer Obsessed (see video snippet) however Netflix’s journey to CX Obsession is less well known.

The pioneer of all things Outside-In?

Who started #customerexperience ? Well, there has always been a customer experience, however, it is only in the last 20 years that companies have realized the need to get scientific about shaping and innovating #CX. Who was the pioneer that did that first? And in doing so shifted the emphasis from Industrial Age thinking to Outside-In practice. Let’s jump into the time machine and rediscover Steve Jobs back in 1997.

Moving from Product to Customer-Centric

Back then it wasn’t understood that designing Customer Experiences and delivering Successful Customer Outcomes went way beyond being product-centric. Steve Jobs anticipated this shift towards customer-centricity, and evolved Apples approach to rapidly shift to Outside-In strategy and operations.

Many of the concepts we accept, such as defining the customer experience from the customers perspective, and not the organizations, were developed in the cauldrons of Apple mountain. In fact, one of the key techniques within the CEMMethod™ was initially referred to as the ‘Apple Innovation Approach’.

Why so many still get it wrong

Here’s a great mini video explaining the difference in viewpoint Inside-Out v. Outside-In.

The CX Rockstar tells us why many get the definition of CX wrong.

James Dodkins aka CX Rockstar has many similar takes over at rockstar.cx

We saw that at work in Outside-In design of products like the original iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. Now taken for granted the last century was a mish mesh of competing chunks of technology (think the early MP3 players) that often required an MSc to understand the menu system and driver updates.

It isn’t what they want, it is what they NEED

Nowadays the major consumer product companies understand the requirement to articulates the needs of customers, and only then design products that meet those needs. That is Outside-In in action.

You would be right in saying he was the pioneer of Outside-In.

If you would like to dig deeper I talked about the difference in approaches of Industrial Age v. Customer Age/Outside-In in this article.

This item has caused quite a stir over at LinkedIn, you can join that discussion here.

Other Outside-In resources to Explore

The reason why you will not become Customer-Centric

Business failures are all around us, nothing new there then. If we go back a decade or so we saw the demise of Nokia, we’ve seen companies like Blockbuster crash and burn, and other companies in the High Street whether it’s in Europe or in the US disappear and never to be seen again.

Why is this so? When you look at the investment those companies were making there was no lack of intent to spend in understanding how the customer was changing. In the year that Apple introduced the iPhone Nokia was investing heavily in voice of the customer (VOC) surveys, customer satisfaction and NPS.

But this misses the point. Progressive Outside-In companies (think Amazon, Zara, Zappos, Emirates) are not about retrospective subjective analysis of performance. It isn’t about overlaying processes with a new language when fundamentally the very systems and processes were never designed to deliver customer experiences. They were designed with a factory mindset centred around production line thinking, throughput and waste. Hence the challenge is more fundamental as it’s not about rejigging what you’re doing – it is about a complete rethink to move outside in the way that you do business.

Remarkably even in the third decade of the 21st century there are still those companies that think they can just tweak and change the language inside their organisations. As if doing better advertising and marketing to customers and talking about ‘new’ services on top of their existing infrastructures and IT systems hacks it. The actual reality is somewhat different.

Senior Executive commentary

Top teams and senior executives need to grasp this challenge. Roland Naidoo, a senior executive at African based entertainments company Multichoice puts the choice starkly:

“Would you measure how fast a 1600cc car performed around an F1 circuit. No? Then why would you try to measure customer experience AND improve it on processes and products there were never designed with experience in mind. Go on enter your 1600 into the next F1. Wonder how it would perform?”

Roland Naidoo, Multichoice Africa

Lipstick on a Pig? Surely not…

Those companies who understand that ‘outside-in’ thinking calls for a complete realignment and new appraisal of what the customer experience consists of.

Rather than, to coin a phrase, putting lipstick on a pig. You have actually got to think about what is it you’re trying to achieve; what does success look like for our customer? And then align across all functions, all systems and ways of working towards successful customer outcomes. Disney refers to this alignment as getting everybody to understand where true north is and not to do anything unless it contributes to that alignment. Imagine all new initiatives being assessed by a similar approach?

Are you working in a Rubik cube?

Another aspect which comes into play is this idea that traditional measurement* is predominantly subjective and retrospective. Progressive outside in companies are not reactive – they get scientific about the customer experience.

Measuring each interaction as it happens and if necessary course-correcting in real-time. They develop the ability to see around corners to understand what’s coming next. They don’t have to wait for analysis 2 weeks after an event to decide that some remedial action is required.

This knowledge in the instance of what is happening requires us to create this idea of ‘action in the moment’ for all our employees. Zappos**, for instance, give their employees the tools and the capability to be able to make decisions in the moment (without the need to escalate to supervisors).

Industrial Age thinking will kill you

And there is another challenge companies face if they are still organised around functional specialist silos. If you’ve recruited low paid people and given them a script to follow, manage them to average handle times and throughputs you’re going to fail.

Once more the outside-in companies have an edge here as they understand that to give your most precious resource (the customer) to the employees then you need the right people in the right place able to do the right things at that moment of truth.

So what is your organization doing? is it trying to put lipstick on the pig? is it just trying to overlay the existing process is an infrastructure with this new customer-centric way of talking and doing?

It is very simple. You need to get down to brass tacks of rethinking what customer experience is all about its implication for the organisation going forward. Those organisations that are taking this outside-in approach find the world becomes simpler, faster and much more directly oriented towards delivering successful customer outcomes and winning for the bottom line.

* Why does traditional measurement fail?
from the CX Rockstar aka James Dodkins at https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6566333517070954496/

** Zappos – Wow customer service: https://www.forbes.com/sites/micahsolomon/2018/09/15/the-secret-of-wow-customer-service-is-breathing-space-just-ask-zappos/#7da91ff01b2c

Roland Naidoo can be reached at:

Join our upcoming Coaching and Accreditation sessions online, LIVE & Interactive

Certified Process Professional
Master (CPPM)
10th Aug4 days @ 5 hours per day
Accredited CX Master
18th Aug4 days @ 5 hours per day
Accredited CX Mentor
1st Sep4 weeks @ 3 hours per week
Accredited CX Champion
8th Sep3 days @ 5 hours per day
Certified Process Professional
Champion (CPPC)
22nd Sep3 days @ 5 hours per day
Certified Outside In Master
8th Sep7 weeks @ 3 hours per week

CX POWER Hour webinar

In just 60 minutes we will evaluate the 4 elements of a Customer Experience Management Ecosystem and how they can provide your organization with a company-wide ecosystem of CX management that focuses all of your team’s efforts and resources on delivering amazing customer experiences.

We are doing a CX POWER Hour this coming Wednesday 1 PM EDT/ 10 AM PDT Expert hosts include James Dodkins aka CX Rockstar, Doug Bell, Mitch Belsley (The Experience Manager) and Steve Towers BP Group.

Register here: CX_POWERUP_2019

Why you should attend

In just 60 minutes we will evaluate the 4 elements of a Customer Experience Management Ecosystem. We will review how the 4 elements can provide your organization with a company-wide ecosystem of CX management. This then focuses all of your team’s efforts and resources on delivering amazing customer experiences.

What we will cover

1. Operationalizing Experience Designs

(How do you create and socialize simple experience designs that everyone in the organization will be able to understand?)

2. Measuring successful customer outcomes instead of business outputs

(Are you still relying on subjective NPS and VOC data to drive your CX analytics program?)

3. Focus every employee in the company every single day on CX innovation and improvement

(Are you harnessing the power of feedback and ideation from your employees?)

4. Evolve and improve your experiences in days not months.

(How long is it taking you to go from idea to implementation?)

Register Now: The CX Power Hour 2019

James Dodkins, one of the hosts, has keynoted in the USA, Argentina, Mexico, UK, Australia and Germany in the last six months.

You will Win the Triple Crown

When you align your business around an understanding of your customer, you can increase your ability to grow revenue, significantly reduce cost, radically boost customer loyalty and engagement, tighten controls – and increase your competitive strength.

The Panel of Global Experts

Meet and discuss with our world-renowned team of Customer Experience Management innovators including… Doug Bell, James Dodkins, Mitch Belsley and Steve Towers will share proven strategies, tactics and tips to help position your customer ‘front and center’ – while addressing your real-world challenges of limited resources and competing priorities.

I very much hope you can join me and my colleagues!
Here is the registration link

All the Very Best!

Your team in Colorado

  • Doug Bell, CEO The Experience Manager
  • Steve Towers, Chief Evangelist, BPG
  • Mitch Belsley, CEO The Experience Manager

P.S. I suggest you follow The Experience Manager on LinkedIn and stay up-to-date on how to radically improve your customer and employee experiences. We focus the ‘next practices’ of the world’s leading CX companies that will help your organization do a better job designing, developing and delivering great customer and employee experiences.