Change Architect of the Year

The Global Change Architect of the Year is announced! And the 2021’s award goes to… Edwin de Lange in South Africa.

The BP Group and Affiliates are pleased to announce the winner of this years prestigious ‘Change Architect of the Year’ Award goes to Edwin de Lange, Manager: Customer Experience Design at Mercantile Bank, South Africa.

The Award, now in its fourth year, recognises the formidable achievements of the winner in delivering both personal, professional and business transformation in the organisations they work with.

Over the last few years, Edwin has progressed his professional credibility and qualifications and is acknowledged as one of the most accomplished and recognized African Customer Experience leaders.

His perspective on Customer Experience Management is both grounded in reality and backed up with sharp-end practical accomplishments and success. An inspiration to his colleagues and peers it is a well-deserved honor that once again sets the bar even higher for those wishing to push the boundaries and application of business transformation.

Edwin’s recent licenses and certifications qualifications include:

Prior to joining Mercantile Edwin worked for Old Mutual and All Life in the financial service sector in South Africa.

Selected by their immediate peers and fellow professionals the Change Architect of the Year now appears in the ‘Change Architects Hall of Fame’  – Edwin de Lange is now acknowledged as this years ‘Global Change Architect for 2021’. 

You can review Edwin’s profile at:

For Customer Experience, Process Transformation and Operations Management visit


Jan 8, 2021

New course offers Critical Training Organizations Need to Upskill Their Workforce and Gain an Edge in the New Normal

LONDON, England. January 8, 2021 — To accelerate business-critical training in the post-pandemic world and emerging customer-centricity, BPG Professional Education is adding a new timely courses to its 2021 line-up.

“The pandemic provides an ideal moment to embed customer obsession into businesses new operating models, and this will increase organisations’ ability to align everything and everyone to successful business and customer outcomes,” said Steve Towers, Executive Director of BPG Professional Education.

The Certified Outside-In Master® (COIM®) – starts on January 18th for 7 weeks at 3 hours per week –

‘Harness the power of cutting-edge approaches to create compelling new products and achieve game-changing innovation.’

Week #1: Introduction to an Outside-In world

Week #2: Reframing Around Customer Needs

Week #3: Focus on the Causes of Work

Week #4: The Disruption Factor

Week #5: Innovating Innovation

Week #6: Connecting the Dots and Drawing the Lines

Week #7: The New Normal of the Customer Obsessed organization

Over the 7 weeks the COIM program will feature 18 live interactive sessions backed up by tutorials, assignments and 1 on 1 coaching. With new case studies, videos and dedicated WhatsApp and LinkedIn forums.

The COIM program first ran in Spring 2020 and comes complete with Amazon best selling book (from 2020) ‘Dare! Behind The Scenes Of The Best Business Transformation Project In The World,’ and the book ‘Outside-In The Secret’ (published in 2010, now in its 10th edition – fully updated for 2021)

The Certified Outside-In Masters 2020 graduates

Coach & Guide:

Steve Towers, CEO & Founder BP Group. These expanded offerings complement BPG’s Professional Education with its Accredited Customer Experience and Certified Process Professional courses available to organizations around the globe.
For more information or to register, visit:


For 30 years, BPG Professional Education has provided business professionals worldwide a gateway to renowned BPG research, knowledge and expertise, through advanced professional programs designed specifically for them. Since 1992 more than 120,000 from 124 countries have qualified in programs ranging from Business Process Management, BPR, Customer Experience Management and Outside-In.

In addition to industry-focused, two-day to-seven-week Open Programs, BPG Professional Education offers individuals and teams the opportunity to take online, blended learning courses. Additionally, customized programs (leading to professional qualifications) can be delivered in specific industry sectors such as banking, retail, B2B, D2C, Utilities, Pharmaceutical, etc.

Testimonials from the 2020 sessions include:

Another fantastic learning, personal, and professional development experience with you! Lyall Shapiro, Australia

Thank you, Steve. Very intense but amazing, and already putting it into practice! 
Edwin De Lange, South Africa

Thank you soooooooo much, Steve.. this achievement means a lot to me & colossal credit goes to you… looking forward to my next training.
Amal Shaira, United Arab Emirates

Thank you, Steve Towers, for an awesome
Time of masterful learning. I can’t wait to attend your next class!
Victoria Weaver, United States

Contact Information

Steve Towers

+44 7429 518277
+1 970 368 5454

The North Star Metric and Why You Need It Now

Have you got a North Star metric? It’s one of the essential things for any company looking to innovate and drive growth. If you haven’t created one yet, it is time to seriously figure it out. And today, I will be explaining what a North Star metric is, why it’s essential, and how to come up with one.

The North Star metric is the most critical. It is that Metric that would consistently deliver Successful Customer Outcomes (SCO’s) and drive sustainable growth if you focus on above all else.

For Facebook is ‘daily active users,’ Airbnb is ‘nights booked,’ and for the BP Group, ours is ‘monthly organization upskilling.’

Why is having one important?

Because delivering SCO’s and driving change is a lot of work, and it’s easy to dilute effort and resources on things that don’t move the needle. Additionally, getting distracted with the latest and shiniest new ideas is a common problem. Having a North Star metric keeps everyone in your company focused on the most critical Measure for your company’s success. Chosen wisely, it will connect the dots from the front line to the top team

Creating Your North Star metric

You may already have created it in your Successful Customer Outcome Canvas®[1] (SCOC®). Even if you haven’t yet the steps are straightforward by examining your current key performance indicators and assessing what could be a lead Metric. Examine the metrics in the context of what creates the best outcome, for the business and the customer. It is especially effective when you aggregate the SCOC’s against all your customer categories and bringing out the most significant ones and deciding decide which is the most essential Metric.

Defining that North Star metric can have a considerable impact not only on your immediate customers but on how your company operates overall.

Your North Star metric will be different from other organizations, as is how it’s rolled out and communicated.

Connect the dots, Draw the Lines

Anyone involved in delivering Successful Customer Outcomes and driving growth for your company, from the ‘C’ suite to the marketing team to the operations team and all of your external agencies, should be clear on your North Star metric and their role in driving it forward. If you don’t have one and your success maybe isn’t where it needs to be, perhaps you should consider defining one for your organization.

  • Set up a time with key stakeholders,
  • Identify your customer categories,
  • Agree on the SMART needs,
  • Choose the most important one, then
  • Brainstorm what it should be across the entire organization.

It starts with understanding who are your best customers are and why. You will need to cut through all distractions and noise to identify the one metric that will have the most significant and most sustainable impact on your business performance.

It’s a significant process, and sometimes it can be challenging to see the forest for the trees.

It will take a concerted effort, but it is one of the most worthwhile things an organization can do to connect the strategy to execution. Realistically isn’t that desirable for every organization seeking to make winning systematic?

The Guiding Light

The North Star metric becomes the guiding light. It is tangible, objective, and touches everyone and everything. It is a simple concept and as a result everyone can understand it.

You can explore the North Star Alignment approach within the Certified Outside-In Masters® program. Review the short video introduction here:

[1] The Successful Customer Outcome Canvas® is a technique within the CEMMethod®. This technique and its companion approach can be reviewed here.

Other Useful Resources

I have just done a 3 minute explainer video for Outside-In – see it here:

How to become Outside-In
Step #1 – Get The Book: Outside-In The Secret *FREE*  

Step #2 – Get The Training:

Certified Outside-In Master® |
Certified Process Professional Master®  |  
Accredited Customer Experience Master®  |  

Step #3 – Get the Software:

The Experience Manager |  

Step #4 – Connect With The Community:

LinkedIn |

Blog |

BPG Website |

Steve Towers Web  |

Twitter |

YouTube |

The One Template To Rule Them All?!

Simple things can be very very effective and that is certainly the case with this ‘go-to’ template. Based on the Next Practice of some of the worlds leading companies completing this could change the way you think and do business forever.

It is my first interaction with Top Teams and Leaders and I use it as my first conversation with anyone who says they are tasked with helping transform their organisations (and themselves sometimes!)

You can get this template and watch the overview 1 minute video at:

Is it the One Template to Rule Them All? You tell me 😉

This neat 30 second video might just give you a clue as to its origins…

Finding Your North Star

Do you want to embrace advanced Customer-Centric thinking and become Outside-In?

👉 Step #1 – Review the upskilling options to become an ACX Professional & ACX Master:

👉 Step #2 – Get The Book: Outside-In The Secret *FREE*

👉 Step #3 – Connect With The Community:

👉 Step #4 – Keep Pace with Change: Recent Keynote – The Hard Benefits of XM |

👉 Step #5 – Review the Testimonials Accredited Customer Experience Professional – BPG (

Call Centre Metrics are the Reason Customers Are so Unhappy (part 1)

Here are seven classic examples from a recent blog of someone selling Call Centre Services. No, I really am to polite to call them out. I thought I had travelled back in time 50 years, but I am appalled there are people still doing this?!

This hurts my Head

Why are these so Wrong?
Answers on a post card but Part Two Next week will provide more insight.

And then in Part Three we will explore the alternatives…

Call Centre Measures that cripple Your Customer Experiences
(the seven deadly sins)

Service Level – “The service level is the percentage of calls responded in a particular time limit. It assesses the skills of agents to deliver the service as per the Service Level Agreement (SLA) given to the clients.”…. It is a significant way to judge the performance of a call center.

Average Call Handle Time –  “This KPI measures time an agent needs on a call.”

Average Queue Time – “To assure that the wait time of callers rests in the fair scope and the patience of customers should not be tested”

Call Abandonment – “It is a usual experience in the call center that clients disconnect the calls before even connecting to an agent.”

First Call Resolution – “The client is frequently in a rush. Thus, he requires that the concern of the caller must be fixed in the first call”

Occupancy Rate – “It is completely about the ability to complete the work within minimum time.”

Agent Turnover Rate – “It measures the rate of agents who switch the job. It not only causes customer service conflicts and delays as well as it also creates many issues.”

A person once said this to me… “If you pay people for doing dumb stuff they will get really smart at it”

A Very Wise Women

In Part Two we will review why Call Centre thinking is so BAD and should be BANNED.

We coach Certified and Accredited Professional Qualifications

110 K people qualified since 2006 in 124 countries
60+ Global Coaches and Mentors – All have been there and done it!

The Certified Process Professional Master (CPPM)
4 days, 5 hours per day ONLINE & LIVE – August 10-13

The Accredited Customer Experience Master (ACXM)
4 days, 5 hours per day ONLINE & LIVE – August 18-21

Uncovering the Secrets of the Top Influencers

Who are the best and what are their secrets?

I revisited my lists of sources, contacts and influencers, brought them up to date (the last two years or so) and collated the best across the domains I operate in. I included the recent Award winners acknowledged for their contributions to business. The result you can access below which contains the people, their LinkedIn connections, their best videos and in some cases additional resources.

My work takes me all over the planet and I get to meet some awesome people who are generous with their time and ideas. I then test, optimise and codify these great ideas into techniques and approaches we can all access.

Dare! Amazon Number 1 Best Seller (2020)

I was relating this approach at a keynote in a conference in Romania recently following the publication of our new Amazon best selling book Dare!

The keynote went well (see the extract version below) and everyone adjourned to the bar to relax and network.

At that drinks reception several people wanted to know my sources of inspiration, so naturally, we started trading names, some well known and some not yet so. As I was doing this it struck me this was one of the most commonly asked questions whether I am talking or working with some of the leading companies on the planet. So an idea was born…

Steve’s keynote in Bucharest in February 2020

Who are the best and what are their secrets?

I revisited my lists of sources, contacts and influencers, brought them up to date (the last two years or so) and collated the best across the domains I operate in. I included the recent Award winners acknowledged for their contributions to business. The result you can access below which contains the people, their LinkedIn connections, their best videos and in some cases additional resources.

So the next time someone asks me a question about influencers I am going to point them here!

All the Best, Keep safe and well,

Customer Experience, Customer Service, Leadership and Operational Excellence

Click the image to access videos, books and other resources!

TipTop Influencers

Yesterday someone asked me why was I publishing all the FREE material?

Well, in my line of work I am so often asked ‘who is the best person to watch on youtube about y?’ and of course each of us has our go-to person or people that we always mention. Terrific speakers and storytellers alike but I wanted to go one step further and collate some favourites. But then can it just be my opinion (as good as that could be?). No.

So I have scoured the web for the organisations who take time to run Awards programs and pass on that information for broader consumption. You could of course just go on Youtube and search for hours (and days) but these Tiptop Influencer lists make short work of that.

Change Architect of the Year

The Global Change Architect of the Year is announced! And 2020’s award goes to Roland D Naidoo in South Africa.

The BP Group and Affiliates are pleased to announce the winner of this years prestigious ‘Change Architect of the Year’ Award goes to Roland Naidoo, Head of Customer Operations at Multichoice in Africa.

The Award, now in its third year, recognises the formidable achievements of the winner in delivering both personal, professional and business transformation in the organisations they work with.

Roland Naidoo is a Chief Coach and Mentor for several hundred people and has pioneered the integration of Customer Experience Management by changing the methods, approaches and measures of success to innovate within his organisation. 

Over the last few years Roland has also led the upskilling of more than 150 colleagues across the business with professional qualifications in Customer Experience and Process Management and now co-ordinates a team of 20+ qualified ACX Mentors who in turn are coaching, transferring the skills and leading their teams with advanced Customer Experience Management Methods.

Prior to joining Multichoice Roland worked in the banking sector and technology companies in South Africa.

Selected by their immediate peers and fellow professionals the Change Architect of the Year now appears in the ‘Change Architects Hall of Fame’ A charismatic leader Roland is now acknowledged as this years ‘Global Change Architect for 2020’. 

You can review Roland’s profile at:

Previous winners of the Award can be reviewed at

If you would like to qualify and become Accredited in Customer Experience, Process Transformation and Operations Management visit

James Dodkins Online Tour Rocks Customer Experience!

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! The ACXS™ training and certification program is now available online.
Get instant access to 25 video lessons and become certified as an Accredited Customer Experience Specialist – the first choice certification for CX disrupters.

You will learn how to connect with your customers at a deeper level, understand their expectations, where they came from and how to change them, uncover hidden needs, articulate ‘Successful Customer Outcome’ statements and build ideal experiences that deliver on these things.

Measure the CX6, calculate Return on Experience Investment, implement Proactive Experience Recovery, learn how to redefine CX in your company…and much, much more.

Things are a bit crazy right now, we’re all stuck at home, we’re all looking for ways to make the most of our time, we’re all trying to be as productive as possible – Why not become an Accredited Customer Experience Specialist Online, On-Demand, On Your Terms?

Use code ‘special50’ to get a massive 50% discount, taking lifetime access to the training down to from £860 to only £430!

And if that wasn’t good enough you can spread the payments out over 4 crazy low payments of just £107.50

LIVE online Outside-In with Steve Towers & Partners

I can’t believe it is this simple…

4 Minute overview of the content of the 6 sessions over 6
weeks at 3 hours per week

Hi Steve here, as an aside I first ran these sessions in December last year and they were very well received, despite being on a Sunday, so ignore my comment in the first few seconds about Sunday because they are through the week as well.

You will join for 3 hours per week in a live interactive video call and put to work the techniques I review in the video. Immediately usable with colleagues (near or far) you will innovate new approaches to work as we all grapple with our new normals.

Available across the planet in time zone friendly sessions – watch the overview and click the links below to review the detail and register.

See you on the inside! (I mention Sunday training but that is up to you)

Please keep safe in our new normal and I hope to see you soon in the online sessions! (Live, interactive and hands-on with real case studies).