CEMMethod (updated) download new material

I hope you are well. Where has this year gone?

** CEMMethod v. 10 **
As with all these things Customer Experience Management continues to develop as organizations mature and understand better the need to align everything they do to the successful customer outcome. And in the spirit of new boots and pants we have updated the CEMMethod and associated glossary to version ten. Eleven years after its public launch now with 40+ individual techniques and approaches designed to hand hold you through the tricky territory of reframing process Outside-In.

** Updated Training program **
Naturally the training has evolved alongside the latest thinking and practice in the worlds leading organizations, so if you need a refresher talk to us about the very special pricing. If you have colleagues who should adopt the CEMMethod and become qualified business process professionals then join us for three or five day sessions at a venue near you soon.

** CPP Masters program **
Johannesburg, Sydney, Brisbane, Dubai, Denver, Orlando, London, Singapore http://bit.ly/BPGroupCPP

CEMMethod (v10) – download the guide and glossary –https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vqle3vskzekqql2/AADJ9iMtWS-sz1cRO6-d0tuBa?dl=0

Note the links expire January 30, 2015


Certified Process Professional Masters (CPP-Master) Program
(Orlando US Jan 22-23, Denver US Jan 26-30, London UK Mar 2-6)

An internationally recognised program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 130 times, in 52 cities with delegates from 105 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service. Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism.www.bpgroup.org/certification-by-city.html

CPP Masters – 2 days in one minute

One minute of the CPP Masters class from Denver…

Review next sessions to get in the picture at: http://www.bpgroup.org/certification-by-city.html 
Certified Process Professional Masters (CPP-Master) Program
(Warwick UK Sep 15-19, Edmonton Canada Sep 22-26, Las Vegas US Sep 29, Sydney Australia Oct 27-31, Brisbane Australia Nov 3-7, Dubai UAE Dec 7-11, Orlando US Jan 22-23, Denver US Jan 26-30, London UK Mar 2-6)

An internationally recognised program with proven track record delivered by been there and done it coaches more than 130 times, in 52 cities with delegates from 105 countries.
The program, now in its tenth year, utilizes the BP Groups approaches and framework to help you and your organization win the triple crown – simultaneously reduce costs, grow revenues and enhance service. Producing Immediate and sustainable business results across any industry and sector.

Become a qualified CPP-Master and demonstrate your professionalism.

Down-Under is tops at Outside-In

Sydney is a beautiful place slightly tempered this week by the near record breaking cold nights. Well it is winter after all and the days warmth more than compensated for the chill mornings. 
We also experienced another excellent  programme in North Ryde, qualifying another 15 Certified Process Professionals (CPP’s). An intense three days embracing case studies, videos, toolkits and presentations culminated in the certificate presentation. 

Congratulations to one and all.

Welcome to the CPP fold (l to r): Jonathan Chan, Eddie Kivijian, Steve Connelly, Daniel Musumeci, Diane Ingold, Winnie Mujunen, Bernadette Abanador, Anne Gregory, Leonardo Caceres, Shannon Cunneen, Anne Phibbs, Deb Samuels, Mark Tyas, Kate Field,  Jim Tzikas (not in picture).

The next Australia Open sessions are in few weeks time in Sydney (the 13th Masters) and Brisbane (the 10th Masters) – see http://www.bpgroup.org/certification-by-city.html for more information.

Outside-In wins the Triple-Crown+

When the Upside is greater than the pain of adopting something new, a new approach can breakthrough. If however the upside is not sufficient, then the status quo will remain.
So if you don’t want change personally or in your organization keep doing what you have always done. That way you will get what you have always got.

On the other hand if change is necessary you need to demonstrate a significant upside, whether that is in terms of cost reduction, revenue improvement, service enhancement and better compliance – that is the triple crown plus.

Ideally the approach you adopt will give you the capability to deliver all triple crown benefits simultaneously and in a truly sustainable, repeatable pattern.

That is precisely what the Outside-In philosophy is all about.

*** Need to know more?

> Customer Experience Management Method http://www.cemmethod.com
> Articles and Case Studies http://www.successfulcustomeroutcomes.net
> Accreditation and Certification http://www.bpgroup.org/certification-by-city.html
> Get the book (that even CEO’s can understand) http://www.outsideinthesecret.com/
> Connect on http://twitter.com/stowers  and http://twitter.com/jdodkins
> Join the community https://www.linkedin.com/groups/BP-Group-1062077

Getting it together

Your car is German. Your vodka is Russian. Your pizza is Italian. Your kebab is Turkish and your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Brazilian and your movies are American. Your tea is Tamil and your shirts are from India. Your oil is Saudi and your electronics are Chinese. Your news is British and your love is French. Your numbers are Arabic and your letters Latin. Your music is ethnic and your home is family. And yet you complain that your neighbor is an immigrant?

We are all in this together. So let’s smile, join hands and get on with it.

BPM helping in healthcare

BPM helping in healthcare: We continue our occasional series on how different industry sectors are supported through the deployment of BPM – both as a technology, way of working and sustainable means of delivering the Triple Crown (lower costs, higher revenues and enhanced service).

Ottawa hospital won best project category at the annual PEX event in Orlando earlier this year. It is an annual forum sharing and exchanging information in and around BPM, Process Excellence and Customer Experience Management.

The next USA PEX event can be reviewed at: http://bit.ly/PEX_USA

other recommended conferences on the theme include:
Australia (July) – http://bit.ly/PEX_Sydney
USA (September) – http://bit.ly/BPX_LasVegas

Certification in Customer Experience Management, Process Management and Outside-In?

Hard to believe that it is already the second half of 2014. Where does time go these days?

There is no time to delay that next oomph and career boost with some specific hands-on training based on the approaches used in the worlds leading companies. As an individual the Certified Process Professional qualification is the gold standard with a proven pedigree of 28,000+ CPP’s since 2009. http://www.bpgroup.org/certification-by-city.html

Are you responsible for Process Management?
If you are responsible for your organizations processes, performance management and/or the Customer Experience you can go further and bring the program in-house and have it customized around the CEMMethod for your specific environment. You will be joining organizations like Citibank, WCB, Nature Conservancy, IQ Business, Old Mutual, Mediclinic, Bank of Valleta, AIA, Vodacom, Aramco, NBAD, Reliance, ABB and dozens more – and that’s in the last two years!

The next 3 and 5 day Open 2014 classes in the USA, South Africa, Australia, UAE, Singapore and the UK.


This week we are in South Africa for the CPP Masters program co-hosted with African partners IQ Business – follow progress via #certifiedprocessprofessional.

Here’s the team shot of the last session in Johannesburg a couple of months ago.

Download the latest (version 8) CEMMethod and associated resources

BP Groups 22nd annual Survey and new materials exercise underway. Provide your feedback by answering just 7 questions and get access to the very latest materials.

The CEMMethod   has just completed into version 8 and has significantly more hand holding than before. We have incorporated the latest thinking and ‘next’ practice so its bang upto the minute for new and veteran practitioners.

Access the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Z5VZ2QG