Exploring the fertile territory of Moments of Truth *** Moments of Truth are the cause of all our work ***

1. Moments of Truth are the cause of all our work.
In fact MOT’s create what we all say is process. Here is a video that explains their origin back in the 20thcentury. For our purposes this 10 part (one a day) series takes us through the understanding, usefulness and advanced application of MOT’s.
Why are they so important? Put simply any interaction with the customer is a Moment of Truth. Any interaction. Combine that with the observation that the customer experience is the process and you can see that MOT’s extend upstream and downstream of our business.
For example Southwest Airlines have innovated their check in process and it happens as you check out of the hotel. That MOT allows them to get the baggage into the loading cycle early and as a consequence it costs less, enhances customer service and ultimately delivers increased revenue (we all want more of that).
Getting a grip on Moments of Truth allows us to make the customers lives easier, simpler and more successful.

Advanced BPM and Outside In – The CEMMethod

The CEMMethod is widely used as the means to help organizations progress Outside In. This slideshow shares the most recent updates to this popular framework, with 38 techniques included to enhance your capabilities, individually and enterprise wide.

Access more informaiton on how to lean and apply the CEMMethod from here.

Living the Dream

This week saw the fulfillment of a childhood dream. I have now visited the 48 Contiguous States of the USA  yay!
North Carolina and a progressive organization helped me achieve this honor.
So thanks to James Taylor for helping me live the dream.
Happy? Ecstatic!

What dreams are you working on? How soon before you get there?

Ciao, Steve

ps. Just need Someone to invite me to Hawaii and Alaska now for the full set 🙂

Successful Customer Outcomes Posting Two

So how can we construct a Successful Customer Outcomes (SCO)?
Download the flashcard at the end of this review.
There are six questions we should ask ourselves, stakeholders and customers.
At the most fundamental level:
1. Who is the customer?
Yes, as an organization, we have to make the choice. We can’t sit back and wait for customers to find us we need to find them. Who are they? What value can they add to our business? Do we actually have customers we do not want? It is an interesting discussion which should put us in charge of the choice. After all these days not everyone can be our customer!
2. What is the Customers Current Expectation?
Not a small question. Have you created an expectation – either consciously or worse, inadvertently. How can you find out? Ask the customer!
Now the qualification to this when the customer answers is… did you know that?
How much of what you are currently doing aligns with the customer expectation? 
Tomorrow we will explore the Process the Customer thinks they are involved with?

Successful Customer Outcomes Posting One

At the height of the Industrial Age we didn’t have to do the right things, we just needed to do things. Commercial success resulted for many who were able to organize a business and produce goods.
As the Industrial Age gave way in the 1960’s to the Information Age competition started increasing. It was no longer good enough to do things, we had to do things right. This was the genesis of the management approaches (Industrial Engineering, TQM, Porter’s Value Chain, Management by Objective, Six Sigma, Balanced Scorecard, Lean, etc.) in wide practice today.
However you won’t find these approaches at the heart of most successful companies in the 21st Century because we’ve now moved past these inside-out management techniques.

We are now in a Customer-Driven Economy and the only way to excel here is through outside-in techniques that lead with the customer. Succeeding in the Customer-Driven Economy comes from doing the right things, and those right things are in fact Successful Customer Outcomes.

World power is shifting – but where to?

We are all aware of the seismic shifts underway. The decline of the west and the (re)emergence of India and China. People in the west are fond of the idea that the Chindia is emerging, however before the industrial revolution the East was the major economic force on the planet. It is a re-emergence then, and where is it going?

Process Outside In – vidblog

The BP Group compiles a bi monthly update of all things process which gets listed on the blog and syndicated all over. The latest can be Process Performance Update. However one of my close colleagues suggested I should produce the update as a travelog, where ever I am, whatever I am doing – just say it! – so here it is. Depending on your point of view it is either an informative light hearted look at process, or eight minutes of relevant pertinent stuff for business professionals. You choose 😉

Videos/new BPM apps/presentation downloads/conference updates

In the Process/Performance basket this time we have Videos/new BPM apps/presentation downloads/conference updates

Greetings from Mumbai 
My travels this last few weeks have included USA, UK, UAE and now India. The team are also hot footing around South Africa, Australia, Kuala Lumpur, Europe and the US through this month.

Not only has it been the significant contrast in weather (snow/cold > sunny/hot) it is the somewhat different approaches being adopted towards Outside In. This week sees me at the India Leadership event hosted by NASSCOM. I will be meeting with the press and continuing to learn about what is making India so successful. My talk will be accessible later, if you want a copy let me know, http://bit.ly/IndiaLeadershipForum

On the subject of talks and videos have you reviewed the latest videos of the key tools and techniques? Here they are (and they are available to download and distribute!)

Business Process Management – what is it? http://youtu.be/NO54KXxTp9I

Moments of Truth – what are they? http://youtu.be/OT_2cqMtrUw

Breakpoints and Business Rules? http://youtu.be/_8KSN_McWIg

Successful Customer Outcomes (SCO’s) http://youtu.be/u4keI_kmdxM

Voice of Customer? http://youtu.be/bTbHrxi1Vq4

And now drum roll > have you downloaded the BPM Certifcation app (IOS and Android)?

There are links to resources, videos. events, reviews and much more. It is only version 1 so let us know your thoughts and how we can make it better for the community.

Apple version: http://bit.ly/12EFNCC

Android version: http://bit.ly/X0X4iw

Recent presentations..
Access my recent keynote for some pertinent insights (or Outside In depending on your view point)


The associated slide show is embedded however you can download that from here.


Topical articles –

Brad Power – Working successfully with physical fragmented teams http://lnkd.in/nAwERk

Chris Taylor – Business process failure goes viral http://lnkd.in/iuG4UG

Dr. Mohan K. – Rethinking the function of Business functions http://lnkd.in/fU3UmB

Reint Jan Holterman – 5 steps on the Path to Success with BPM http://lnkd.in/pp4ZWV
* And lastly for now have you reviewed the all new classes? new case studies and coaching from been there and done it experienced mentors*.

Review the coaches and their in depth practical hands on wisdom.


Considering training in Enterprise BPM/Outside In?If someone in your organization is considering certification do ask these questions of anyone offering the training:

1. Where have you done this?

2. What credentials can you claim in the community?

3. Who trained you originally in Outside In?

4. When did you start and who have you helped?

5. What references can you provide, at a CEO level for the successes you have achieved?

6. Are any of your people published, and if so what and when?

7. What is the size of your network?

8. Are your trainings and courses accredited, and if so by whom?

9. Are you helping to develop the community? If so how?

PS. Tell your colleagues they owe themselves the best to go with the most experienced, up to date, pragmatic, relevant and immediate training from the BP Group http://www.bpgroup.org

Ciao Steve

Certified Process Professional – 30 cities – limited seats – book Now!

Are you gearing up for 2013? Considering professional qualification to underpin your experience? Already on that journey and want to progress to the next level? Here is the first draft of the BP Groups 2013 program with Early Bird offers for those quick bookers. See you soon 🙂
Download sample Brochure
Steve Towers BP Group Chief Coach BP Group Certified Process Practitioner BP Group Certified Process Professional BP Group CPP Master BP Group CPP Advanced Master CPP Champion
Practitioner Professional Master Adv. Master Champion Course
Location Region Lead Coach CPP1 CPP2-3 CPP4-5 CPP6-7 CPP8 ID
Brisbane Australia Jennifer van Wyk Mar 11 Mar 12-13 Mar 14-15 AUS
Sydney Australia Jennifer van Wyk Mar 18 Mar 19-20 Mar 21-22 AUS
Brisbane Australia Steve Towers Apr 15-16 Apr 17-18 AUS
Sydney Australia Steve Towers Apr 22-23 Apr 24-25 AUS
Helsinki Finland Samir Asaf Nov 26 Nov 27 EUR
Brussels Belgium Samir Asaf Nov 29 Nov 30 EUR
London UK James Dodkins Dec 10 Dec 11-12 Dec 13-14 EUR
London UK Steve Towers Dec 17-18 Dec 19-20 EUR
Amsterdam Netherlands Steve Towers Jan 7 Jan 8 EUR
Zurich Switzerland Steve Towers Jan 10 Jan 11 EUR
London UK James Dodkins Mar 4 Mar 5-6 Mar 7-8 EUR
London UK Steve Towers Mar 11-12 Mar 13-14 EUR
London UK Steve Towers May 2 May 3 EUR
Pune India Laxman M Jan 17 Jan 18 IND
Kolkata India Laxman M Feb 4 Feb 5 IND
Chennai India Laxman M Feb 7 Feb 8 IND
Mumbai India Steve Towers Feb 11 Feb 12 IND
Pune India Laxman M Mar 4 Mar 5-6 Mar 7-8 IND
Delhi India Laxman M Mar 18 Mar 19 IND
Hyderabad India Laxman M Mar 21 Mar 22 IND
Bangalore India Laxman M Mar 25 Mar 26-27 Mar 28-29 IND
Kolkata India Laxman M Apr 8 Apr 9-10 Apr 11-12 IND
Chennai India Laxman M Apr 15 Apr 16 IND
Dhakka Bangladesh Samir Asaf Jan 28 Jan 29-30 Jan 31-Feb 1 BAN
Dubai UAE James Dodkins Mar 17 Mar 18-19 Mar 20-21 UAE
Dubai UAE Steve Towers Mar 24-25 Mar 26-27 UAE
Niarobi Kenya Jennifer van Wyk Nov 29 Nov 30 AFR
Cape Town South Africa Jennifer van Wyk Jan 7 Jan 8-9 Jan 10-11 AFR
Joburg South Africa Jennifer van Wyk Feb 11 Feb 12-13 Feb 14-15 AFR
Lagos Nigeria Jennifer van Wyk Apr 15 Apr 16-17 Apr 18-19 AFR
Niarobi Kenya Jennifer van Wyk Apr 22 Apr 23-24 Apr 25-26 AFR
Cape Town South Africa Steve Towers May 13-14 May 15-16 AFR
Sao Paulo Brazil Jennifer van Wyk 13 May 14-15 May 16-17 May SAM
Rio de J. Argentina Jennifer van Wyk 20 May 21-22 May 23-24 May SAM
Orlando Florida James Dodkins Jan 29-30 Jan 31-Feb 1 NAM
Orlando Florida Steve Towers Jan 28 Feb 4-5 Feb 6-7 NAM
Toronto Canada Steve Towers Feb 18 Feb 19-20 Feb 21-22 NAM
Singapore Singapore Samir Asaf Feb 25 Feb 26-27 Feb 28-29 SEA
Kuala L. Malaysia Steve Towers Feb 25 Feb 26 SEA
Kuala L. Malaysia Samir Asaf Mar 25 Mar 26-27 Mar 28-29 SEA
Hong Kong China Samir Asaf Apr 29 Apr 30-May 1 May 2-3 SEA
Beijing China Samir Asaf May 20 May 21-22 May 23-24 SEA