How much do you need to know to know you know you know enough?

Knowing what you don’t know is a great starting point

>> We start out not knowing what we donā€™t know

>> We then get a bit better and we know what we donā€™t know

>> It gets better, we then know what we know

>> And ultimately, we then donā€™t know what we know

Think about when you were learning to driveā€¦

As kids traveling with Mum and Dad, they drive the car and we get there (eventually)

We then get to teenage and start to drive that same car ā€“ OMG ā€“ the gas pedal, the watching, friggin hell the other road users, the SPEED, the signals!

And then we settle into it, it starts to become second nature, until

We do the Route 66 road trip, enjoy the bars, the people, however we donā€™t remember much but arrived safe and well because there was no blood on the hood!

So what? The CEMMethod feels the same!!

And yes it is a helluva ride, but you will get there. Itā€™s proven.

Join us soon inĀ Denver, Washington DC, London, Dubai, Johannesburg or Melbourne.

Seriously, you gotta know this stuff to know you donā€™t (spooky eh?)

How popular is Customer Experience #CX thinking and practice?

An important question if you are tasked with making Customer ExperienceĀ  #CX work for your organization.

Let’s contrast and compare current trends!

Twitter –Ā Trends emergeĀ when you monitor hashtags, and the shorthand for Customer Experience #cx is a good starting point. When you contrast #CX with other popular management approaches such as #lean #lss and #bpm is interesting:

hashtags data by

That puts #CX in the ascendency.

What about #CX with other associated interests?

hashtags data by


Top of the Tweeters for Customer Experience is Colin ShawĀ @ColinShaw_CXĀ with over 43,400 #CX tweets.
If you follow him you will never be short of material related to Customer Experience as he vacuums the web for interesting articles, in addition to his own contributions.

Jump to the latest on Twitter withĀ

What about LinkedIn?

A recent introduction of hashtags to this platform provides a good insight…
Searching LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator platform with #CX reveals 83.4K members using Customer Experience as part of their profiles (that is 10 times greater than those using #lean).

The demographics
of the 83.4K show a predominance of folks in the US.

  1. United States (25,513)
  2. United Kingdom (5,733)
  3. Australia (5,200)
  4. India (4,622)
  5. Brazil (3,527)
  6. Sydney, Australia (2,639)

If you slice the data into companies expressing their interest in #CX we can see Oracle way ahead.

  1. Oracle (3,783)
  2. Amazon (534)
  3. IBM (437)
  4. Microsoft (433)

Does this reflect a reframing of their products to emphasize Customer Experience as a top table strategic interest?

And What about Google?

Searching #CX reveals 317,000,000 results in 0.8 seconds. That is one helluva a lotĀ of reading. Drilling down with Google Trends, and using the same comparisons with Lean, LSS, BPM and CX produces an interesting contrast with Twitters results. Here we do see a decline in interest with Lean however the interest is still significantly ahead of CX.

We will revist this analysis periodically. Now go away and start researching all those interesting sources!

The Successful Technique You Can Use to Transform Your Customer Experiences and Lower Costs, Improve Service & Grow Revenues simultaneously

Dr W. Edwards Demingā€™s famous quote ā€œIf you can’t describe what you are doing as a process,Ā youĀ don’t know whatĀ you’reĀ doingā€ is truer today than ever in an increasingly customer-centric Outside-In world.

Perhaps we should upgrade the quote to encompass the focus on the customer?

ā€œIf you can’t describe what you are doing as relevant to a Successful Customer Outcome,Ā youĀ shouldnā€™t ought to be doing itā€

Progressive Outside-In businesses understand this truth (think Amazon, Starbucks, BMW and Emirates) who are connecting everything they do to delivering these Successful Customer Outcomes. If activities and systems do not explicitly contribute to customer success they scrap them, and in doing so costs fall away, service improves and naturally, revenues grow.

Think about that for a moment from the customers perspective. It is certainly more pleasurable if interactions are simple and smoother. And if these experiences involve buying stuff, customers come back again and again for more. Even in public service, it stands to reason that reducing complexity will release more resources to do more meaningful work that delivers greater value to citizens.

So how would you approach your existing Customer Experiences and associated processes to move in this direction? Is there a formula that can be applied that is easy to use and produces immediate results?

Indeed, there is! We refer to this formula within the CEMMethodā„¢, an approach developed originally in association with companies like Virgin and Southwest Airlines. The method, originally released in 2006, is now in version 11 and includes 50+ techniques that significantly improve business performance and customer success.

One of these techniques within the CEMMethodā„¢ is referred to as the ā€˜Disruption Factorā€™ and quite simply allows you to calculate the potential for improvement in any Customer Experience. Additionally, it helps you pinpoint the areas that would benefit from immediate attention, and in doing so win the triple crown (lower costs, improved service, higher revenues).

If you want to know more about applying the Disruption Factor in your organization join us at the upcoming webinar registerĀ your interest here.

I will see you on the inside!

Additional Resources:

>> Disruption Factor Webinar –

>> Certified & Accredited CX Training

> More about me and the companies doing this stuff

> Rockstar CX with James Dodkins

> CEMMethodā„¢

Recent Blogs | Schedule for end of 2018 | Announcement of the winner of the Draw

It might be Summer here in the northern hemisphere, however, we are busier than ever!

(they fill quick so book quick!) <<

CPPM Johannesburg July 16-19

ACXM Johannesburg August 20-23

CPPM Melbourne August 27-30

ACXM Melbourne September 3-6

ACXM Denver September 24-27

ACXM Washington DC October 22-25

ACXM Johannesburg October 22-25

ACXM Dubai October 28-31

ACXM London December 10-13


> One Day CX Transformation in Denver
> Customer Experience & Process Improvement transformation
> SIX proven steps to introduce the CX Management Office
> Successful Personal Outcomes Relaunches


The winner for this month is (drum roll)
** Craig Burtenshaw ACXMĀ® **
from Australia who will now receive the USD 500

So how do you get your hands on five hundred bucks?

Simple, put your qualification after your name!
Here is the list:
ACXMĀ® ā€“ Accredited Customer Experience MasterĀ®
ACXPĀ® ā€“ Accredited Customer Experience ProfessionalĀ®
ACXCĀ® ā€“ Accredited Customer Experience ChampionĀ®
CPPMĀ® ā€“ Certified Process Professional MasterĀ®
CPPĀ® ā€“ Certified Process ProfessionalĀ®
CPPCĀ® ā€“ Certified Process Professional ChampionĀ®

So change your LinkedIn title, drop me a note on LinkedIn to say you have done it and we will put you in the monthly drawā€¦ oh and good luck!!

Next month we are featuring some of the recent Rockstar CX interviews from James Dodkins

See you very soon!
Steve Towers, CEO, ACXC and CPP Champion

One Day CX Transformation in Denver

The 10th Accredited Customer Experience Professional returns to Denver on Monday, September 24th.

With the latest and most effective CX techniques and toolkits wrapped in the CEMMethod, this is sure to be a terrific one-dayer.Ā 

Customer experience has never been more important.

89% of companies now expect to compete mostly on the basis of customerĀ experience.

87% of buyers will pay more for a better customer experience.

ACXP attendees will learn the world famous CEMMethod. The CEMMethod was created in 2001 when BPG was working with the Virgin Group. They realised together that to progress in an ever-changing world, you have to have an explicit, outside-in focus on the customer in everything you do..

Since then, the CEMMethod has evolved, consolidating tools, techniques and mindsets from some of the best performing and most innovative companies in the world. People like Apple, BMW, Bentley, IBM, Amazon, Emirates Airlines, Zara, Zappos, State Farm, Disney, Google, Facebook, Uber and many more.

Professionals using the CEM Method are simultaneously lowering costs, growing revenues and delivering outstanding customer experience in more than 4,000 companies around the world. These individuals are the driving force behind some of the world’s best performing organizations.

The secret to the CEM Method’s success lies in its ability to link external customer experience to internal back-office operations. This is a claim that no other method can make. Learn the methodology that the best-performing companies in the world are using as their customer experience backbone.

Please join us in Denver!



BPG News Update:
1. New Partnership Launched
2. Upcoming Recommended Conference (featuring the CX Rockstar)
3. New Competition – Promote yourself and win $500

> New Partnership launched in Australia/New Zealand <<
IQ Group Australia partner with BPG to deliver CEMMethodā„¢ training ā€˜down-underā€™ starting this month!
See the Press Release here:Ā
Register your interest:

>> CEM Telcoms 2018 <<
Los Angeles, October.
This groundbreaking event features the latest bold discoveries in the realm of CX, including the appearance of our very own James Dodkins as Customer Experience Rockstar.
And yes he is bringing his guitar and will be playing onstage ā€“ now that is a conference with a difference.
Steve Towers will also be keynoting on the theme of the Outside-In Strategic Matrix.

Review the event here:Ā
Ping me if you want to be there, and weā€™ll get you a discount:

>>> Competition and Promotion Time! <<
This is how to win $500 by doing something really simple.
Here is my LinkedIn name:
Steve Towers, CEO, ACXC and CPP Champion –Ā

So how do you get your hands on five hundred bucks?
Simple, put your qualification after your name!
Here is the list:
ACXM ā€“ Accredited Customer Experience Master
ACXP – Accredited Customer Experience Professional
ACXC – Accredited Customer Experience Champion
CPPM ā€“ Certified Process Professional Master
CPP ā€“ Certified Process Professional
CPPC ā€“ Certified Process Professional Champion

So change your LinkedIn title, drop me a note on LinkedIn to say you have done it and we will put you in the monthly drawā€¦ oh and good luck!!

Ciao for now,

CX Rockstar James Dodkins interviews Joseph Michelli – driven to delight?

Three fundamental building blocks for CX Excellence – Employee Experience

Three excellent mini videos from best selling author and founder James Dodkins that really frame current thinking around #CX and its key component the Employee Experience #EX.

With insights from Shep Hyken, Disney and Zappos go grab a coffee and enjoy a 10-minute break and look through the lens of Customer Experience Excellence.

Customer Trust = Employee Pride


Disney EVP, Lee Cockerell

Ā We are all Leaders

CX Guru,Ā Shep Hyken

No Call Centres at Zappos

Zappos CX Leader, John Wolske

Further resources:

Turning the advice into action: BPG training page
More videos/podcasts on this theme:
CX Excellence Coaches: link to coaches

You can see this and more over at




NEW Customer Experience Coaches

Increasingly enterprises are understanding the need to align everything they do with delivering Successful Customer Outcomes.
Disney refers to this as “True North” alignment.

As the science of delivering True North develops organizations are upskilling their leaders to mentor all employees, from the lunchroom to the boardroom.

In the vanguardĀ of these new professionals are the trainers, coaches and mentors using proven tried and tested approaches from the world leading CX companies such as Zappos, Amazon, Emirates and Zara.

When you are tasked with delivering business change, whether that is through the Customer Experience or Process Transformation using the latest techniques (rather than outdated industrial age) will guide you to immediate success.
All BPG Coaches and mentors are qualified to implement the CEMMethod customised to the industry and challenges you face and with the objective of aligning everything to delivering Successful Customer Outcomes.

You can review some of the latest folks to becomeĀ licensed to lead these CX and Process Transformations – link with them below and dig deeper.

Meet the Coaches & Mentors

Coaches licensed to consult, accredit and mentor.
There are 400+ additional coaches (under NDA) operating globally.
Steve Towers | Lizetter Akker | James Dodkins | Kerry Jackson | Morgan Jones | Chris Wix | Samir Asaf | Lyall Shapiro | Laxman Murugappan | Karen Feld | Fahad Altwijry | Kath Milne | Lucy Paddy | Chris Reeve | Meshan Morar | Cristian Matei | Molly Redenbaugh | Randy DeSpain | Susan Parker | Max Kochar | Wille Kraus | Alexandre Nevski | Veronique Roy |

Upcoming sessions in Johannesburg, Dubai, Washington DC, Denver, Sydney, London, Lake Como (Italy), Montreal, Brussels – see the latest dates and venues