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Category: CEM
Customer Decision Points and Business Rules
Internal work – Breakpoints and Red Tape
Those infernal Moments of Truth and the Customer Experience
The ALL new CEMMethod – a way of creating and managing the Customer Experience
The customer can’t be king at the expense of your business.
We have got to get scientific about the customer experience.
The Customer Experience is the process.
Procure to Pay? Enquiry to Invoice? If so you are in the wrong place.
Where does the process really start, and end. It certainly isn’t contained by our functional specialist silo’s. You have to go out to the customer need and finish with the successful delivery.
How do you define process start and end? Is that really complete?
To link process with performance we need to rethink what we mean by performance.
Performance should be measured directly by the Outcomes and Results that are achieved. Stop measuring success by number of calls dealt with in 180 seconds and instead ask yourself did we deliver a Successful Customer Outcome?
Look at the Key Performance Indicators. How many measure how much to those that measure what was achieved?
Process is just another name for the work we do.
organization is part of a process. Marketing, Strategy, IT it is all the same thing.
Knowing this is fundamental to an organizations success.
Linking everything we do though to the Successful Customer Outcome is all that we should be doing. If it doesn’t contribute to the Successful Customer Outcome then stop doing it.
How can you share this insight with your colleagues?