A terrific mix of in-house accreditation and audit, consultancy and good plain old training. Government, Financial Services, Aerospace, Retail and Pharma.
Customer Interactions (CI’s) are taking place all the time. Are your CI’s under control? Can you quantify them? and are they aligned to the Successful Customer Outcome? Some folks might think this is a mountain to climb and don’t even bother to pay attention to those critical moments.
Customer Interactions – (Click photo for full size)
High Performance Organizations on the other hand know that engineering the CI’s, designing them Outside-In and keeping them owned and controlled determines every aspect of the Customer Experience.
So let’s take a journey together and start with the basics. If we look at healthcare and hospitals especially we all know the smallest things make the biggest difference. Hygiene for instance.
So what are the smallest things in your business that make that massive difference?
Simply put everything an organization does, from the tasks and activities through to strategy should be explicitly linked with a Successful Customer Outcome.
Say you are in the Accident and Emergency at your local hospital? How much of what is actually happening is contributing to the well being of the patients? At a recent family crisis as a visitor I managed my stress by doing a time and motion study (sad I know). Over 48 hours I sampled activity and tasks, and albeit not scientific (it was hardly a controlled environment) it produced an interesting profile:
Sample size 256.
I would suggest an interesting stat in there is the time with the patient (7%).
If we assumed the objective of going through the process (the Successful Customer Outcome) is to make people better how much time is really spent doing that? How much time is spent on tasks and activities which may not directly contribute to that?
All our jobs involve us in tasks and activities which may not directly contribute to the SCO – how many of those could be released to spend more time achieving the desired outcome? It might not be 93% but it is one helluva a lot.In this example we would reduce costs, improve morale of overworked nurses and enhance the customer experience. Who wouldn’t want that?
Every two years, PEX Network undertakes a State of the Industry research project to better understand general trends in how companies are approaching operational excellence.This infographic summarizes the results of our 2013-2014 benchmarking survey.
Download this infographic to find out key trends in approaches, projects, budgets, and investment plans in process excellence for the year ahead.
And don’t forget to stay tuned for the release of our State of the Industry report in the coming weeks!
You can access and download the resources that will provide an overview of the value of becoming scientific about the Customer Experience. Meanwhile Customer Experience Mapping gets a kick in the pants as we integrate ABACUS (the BPGroup toolkit) to demonstrate a generic process across several channels.