So what are you doing to bring a smile to your loyal customers?
Category: BPM
Global Business Processes: the means to succeed in the 21st century.
Companies with a worldwide presence face many challenges such as globalization, regional trading agreements and the uncertainty of the economic markets. These challenges require a coordinated approach which maximizes the benefits of a world-wide presence and at the same time provide a local focus. Global processes are the way to achieve this balance and include front end activities like customer acquisition or new business processing, support processes like information systems right the way through
to back end customer retention and financial management.
How does a company create, implement, and manage global processes?
Co-ordination. Teams need to develop a common process approach which regardless of culture speaks the same language i.e. what is the successful customer outcome (SCO)? Figuring out how work gets done and achieves the SCO is key to global process success. Implementation needs a pragmatic approach which acknowledges cultural perspectives.
Bringing a strategic multi disciplinary team together led by qualified process leaders familiar with cultural and economic challenge is a starting point.
Rolling out that discipline and process approach through geographic teams provides a means to learn and exchange and grow key processes to maturity.
What are the most common challenges associated with global processes?
Getting everyone on the same page. Even the way we think and speak of processes is different and so developing a common way of looking at work is critical to a successful operation. For instance the collecting the money process¹ has a very specific objective however each location may have different custom and practice how do you ensure a uniform and yet different approach? The underpinning technology that supports a global
process can be common, however the business rules that we operate to make sure our endeavor is successful often need to be different.
What is the relationship between global processes and performance
The relationship is absolute. In the 20th century we may have talked about standardization and conformity. Performance is now much more driven by the capability to act in the moment e.g. a US insurance company has the slogan think global, act local¹ which provides both a degree of uniformity and empowers the people locally to act in the best interests of the business there and then.
Why should the average employee care about global processes?
It is the understanding that there is a framework and common structure torunning the business successfully that provides assurance that senior management knows what they are doing and are operating as a team. Process is the way we get work done. It is the way we deliver value to our customers.
It¹s the way we create profits for our shareholders. This can then be encapsulated in our rewards systems and provide a framework for success, both in process, people, systems and global strategy.
(From the desk of James Dodkins)
A New Order of Things
From the desk of James Dodkins
There is no easy way to introduce a new order of things however there are some principles that can be followed based on this type of mind shift.
1. Objective and immediate.
The results we achieve with Outside-In are significant and substantive e.g. Triple Crown*. Accordingly any effort should first of all identify the clear tangible benefits.
2. Talk is cheap.
Fine words and phrases will not win hearts and minds without substance. Delivery is key, hence the ‘start where you are’ sentiment. In current projects (where support may be lacking) introduce the techniques within the CEMMethod by stealth.
Lift the heads of those around you to think of Moments of Truth, Break Points and Business Rules for instance. “Nothing new mate, just some stuff other guys have used within… Six Sigma../..Lean../..EA../..compliance etc. (delete as appropriate)”
3. Build support.
With (2) underway you will build support. That is the point to shift focus and begin the more practical discussion of where and how.
4. Go for broke.
If you are extremely lucky/persuasive and have the top team already onboard go for broke. Discover the worst most problematic issues and set to righting em. By fixing the Cause you will remove the Effect.
5. Move on.
It is a 400 year shift in mindset (Dee Hock, VISA founder).
It will ultimately transform the planet. The jury is in fact back and the results speak for themselves. So when all looks desolate and casting your pearls before swine is depressing, remind the swine that they are part of the problem and move on.
6. Make it so.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE it just feels that way when surrounded by flat-landers (doh).
Learn, exchange and do.
James Dodkins, Chief Customer Officer,
BP Group
Certi fied Process Professional (CPP-Professional) 2014 programme
Chennai – Amsterdam –Orlando – London – Bangalore – Dubai – Brisbane – Cape Town – Denver – Sydney – Singapore
This is gentle reminder about our upcoming 2014 CPP Professional Global Training. Classes book quickly so please reserve soon.
Course Overview:
The CPP Professional qualification is an acknowledgement of the understanding and practical skill set associated with Outside In, Enterprise BPM and the effective implementation of the CEMMethod. The CPP Professional role is to guide and maximize the organization’s efforts toward its operational and strategic goals while removing the impediments the industrial age artefacts that stand in their way.
CEMMethod is an advanced approach for undertaking process change and transformation. In traditional approaches the emphasis has often been exclusively on efficiency and effectiveness and as a consequence businesses were struggling in terms of cost, quality and customer’s satisfaction. The BP Groups CEMMethod is a process framework, which is now replacing traditional industrial age approaches of process change and transformation in order to deliver first and foremost Successful Customer Outcomes. Introduced in 2006 in the book Customer Expectation Management, the CEMMethod is the process industry’s standard in designing, developing and delivering Outside In process transformation, as it overcomes the many shortcomings of traditional inside out thinking.
Benefits of Training & Certification:
Caters to high demand in industry for Managers and Senior Executives with Certified Process Professional qualifications and Experience.
All our Instructors are practical proven experienced professionals working with the BP Group which has over 20 years of direct hands-on experience with real world companies in Process and Business Transformation and Change consulting and training
- Individual attention and group interactions over the CEMMethod, processes and tools
- In this blended model of training you will get online and classroom training
- Online reading course content, videos and support materials
- All BP Group certified participants will also earn 10 PDU’s Certificates
You will learn what it feels like to access some of the most advanced toolkits from the worlds leading organisations experiencing many of the challenges you’re likely to face–while being coached by world leading Gurus actively involved with the application of CEMMethod at many organizations. This “learning by doing” style of instruction demands your open mind and active participation.
For more details please log on to:
Thanks & Warm Regards,
Rachel Smith | Business Development Manager | BP Group
Tel No: 00 44 20 3286 4248
BP Group, New Bond House, 124 New Bond Street, London W1S 1DX
Offices in London – Houston – Denver – Bangalore – Sydney – Associates in 118 countries
Office: US: +1 303 800-0924 | UK: +44 20 3286 4248 | Fax: +44 20 7691 7664
SIngapore and PEX Asia Heads up for February 2014
I am delighted to be working with PEX Asia on their 2014 summit.
The event is designed for process management professionals who want to be at the forefront of change, champion excellence in their organisation and collaborate on creating the next generation of process transformation strategies.
Process Excellence is being redefined in this digital age, transforming organisations and revolutionising how business is conducted globally. To be competitive your company needs to continually evolve and move beyond just Lean Six Sigma.
Process Excellence today draws on a raft of evolving methodologies including Lean, Six Sigma, Business Process Management, Enterprise Architecture, Total Quality Management and Statistical Process Controls to enable organisations to improve the way they operate and deliver. Notable organisations such as the Singapore Exchange, ANZ, Shell, Nokia and the BP Group will be sharing the different ways they have blended and harmonised approaches within their ranks to enable their teams to connect more swiftly to relevant information, improve workflow automation and meet the ever changing consumer and market needs.
Excitingly, as part of this year’s event we have provided delegates with an exclusive opportunity to undertake our certification training programme.
This is designed as two in-depth workshops which will give you the essential skills to take on process change and lead with excellence.
Completing the course will also qualify you as a Certified Process Professional (CPP Levels 1 & 2).
The process professionals we researched with during production of PEX Asia identified their core challenges as how to core challenges as how to:
1. Differentiate their organisation by continually meeting and exceeding process quality and customer service
2. Capture, synthesise and align their client and business needs
3. Continuously improve workflow automation and project turnaround times
4. Swiftly adapt, evolve and improve global supply chain management in ever changing markets
5. Better manage multiple PEX projects
All within reduced timeframes and budgets and still meeting the expected outcomes from reporting executives and boards!
At the PEX ASIA 2014 you will find presenters, delegates, information and ideas which pose solutions to resolving these exact challenges. Using PEX to drive business growth, increase profitability and competitive advantage is more critical than ever.
This is your chance to revitalise, strengthen and accelerate your process strategies.
We hope that you will be able to join us in Singapore at our PEX Asia 2014
Please do take a moment to look through the brochure or go to our PEX Asia website for more details. I look forward to meeting you in February in Singapore!
Steve Towers
Lead Coach and Co-Founder
CPP Masters in San Francisco.
From l>r: Grace, Angela, Mark, Steve, Kandice, Jamie, Moosa, Nivesh
This was one of those sessions that transcends what we did in a few days. Moosa and Nivesh will return to Qatar, Jamie to Phoenix, Kandice to Denver (yay!), Steve to Singapore, Mark to the world of education, Angela here in the Bay, and Grace to Washington DC.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication (from James Dodkins)
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James Dodkins, CCO BP Group |
In 1996, Gilead introduced a “next phase” AIDS medication patients could
take in a single daily dose. The new drug, Atripla, vastly improved patient
quality of life. It vastly improved compliance. And it has given Gilead an
80% market share of medication prescribed to newly identified AIDS and HIV
positive patients, despite introduction of directly competing, single dose
products from larger competitors.
Atripla has dramatically grown Gilead’s revenue, along with producing near
40% profit margins. Plus, manufacturing one medication is far less expensive
than making 17, matching revenue gains with cost reduction. But Gilead was
not finished. Since 2006, Gilead has introduced single dosage treatment for
hepatitis-B patients, who had to follow a similarly complex medication
schedule, and has initiated development of a similar medication for
Achieving Customer-Centricity
Through Outside-In, Gilead has become a customer-centric company
specializing in quality of life and compliance as well as quality
efficacious treatments. However, a common first reaction might be, “How
obvious.” And a second might be, “Nothing much to it.”
Gilead did experience a blinding flash of the obvious. But untold numbers of
“obvious” solutions to major customer problems go unnoticed because
companies can’t see through customer eyes or are afraid to do so.
Outside-In forces the issue by starting with the customer not the product or the
company or sales goals or profits.
“Nothing much to it?” Au contraire, there was a whole lot to it. Having
helped many a company through this type of transformative change, I can reel
off a list of likely barriers Gilead faced: reorganizing R&D to focus on
drug delivery, a very different discipline than traditional pharmaceutical
research; changing support staff roles; laying off manufacturing staff and
management; repositioning the company; and that’s just for starters. What
Gilead achieved required transformational change, which stresses
organizations and often tests their resiliency? No surprise that so many
organizations limit themselves to incremental change.
What’s new here?
As you’ve almost certainly recognized, some organizations have employed
Outside-In thinking since their inception, as has U.S. department store
chain Nordstrom’s, or at least for many years. But two things have changed.
First, Outside-In today extends far beyond identifying opportunities. While
full scale OI starts by aligning strategy with customers,it continues by
next aligning process with strategies and then technology with process. In
that order. More specifically, following opportunity identification OI
determines “what” work has to be done by “who” in order to turn opportunity
into reality. This strategic step defines organizational change as well as
changes to workflow and information flow. Then OI defines “how” the work
should be done and the technology enablement required, the tactical side.
Not only does Outside-In expand the scope of customer-centric thinking to
include implementation; but it also stretches traditional boundaries of
process to include the “what” and the “who” plus technology support beyond
just addressing the “how.” And that’s why we call it “Outside-In Process.”
The second change is the volume of Outside-In occurring. A number of
organizations have already completed the migration from “inside-out”
(company-centric) to Outside-In (customer-centric). Others are
opportunistically starting to migrate. And some laggards within their own
industries have moved or are moving defensively, to avoid the fate of
Circuit City, CompUSA, WAMU (Washington Mutual Bank), General Motors and
Northwest Airlines all notoriously inside-out companies insensitive to
customer needs.
More next week…
Links for those hungry for Outside-In and advanced business process transformation – 283 articles on Advanced BPM – 200+ articles on business process transformation – Over 50 videos on the theme – More than 70 presentations (downloadable) – 80+ courses leading to the Certified Process Professional qualification (CPP) all over the globe through 2013/14 – for all things and links Outside In – Professional qualifications since 1992 – FREE course featuring the Secret Sauce – Testimonials about us – 11,000 members networking with ideas
Six customer imperatives for everyone

In the context of the Customer Age his sage wisdom lives on.
1.Why What Who Where When How
Why do you want to measure your customer experience? We want to understand the current state of our experience and see how it impacts the bottom line, revenue growth and shareholder value.
Why is that important? We know that a great customer experiences leads to significantly enhanced customer lifetime value. Customers buy more, stay longer and become a part of your Awareness for future customers.
Why do you need a measurement for this? We need to get scientific about the customer experience. We need to understand where we should focus to profitably improve experiences, and to measure the ongoing evolution of Customer Experience Management.
Why is this important? Existing measures of Customer Experience are subjective and prone to bias, whether that is sample size, emotional influence or even the time of day. It is not realistic to base our future growth on a set of flaccid anecdotal measures.
2.Why What Who Where When How
What is the first step? We need get factual. What are the real measures? The hard noised objective and accessible metrics that move beyond the soft and fluffy emotional feedback.
What system do we need in place? Something that is repeatable and predictable. Certainly not the latest anecdotes from the customer service
What is the priority? To coin a phrase – where the rubber hits the road. In a very direct sense it is where the customer interactions are taking place and where the reality of the service and product offering happens. We need to measure the real interaction, less so the feelings created.
3. Why What Who Where When How
Who is the most important person in your organization? Who is the ultimate cause of all the work? The answer is the same – yes, the customer of course.
Who should lead the change to understand and develop the Customer Experience? Well that isn’t a bunch of guys doing strategy in their glass ivory towers remote to the business. Guess what. It is everyone of us, as ultimately we all walk in the customer shoes.
Who engages the organization for success? Vision is essential. Moving beyond the industrialized function specialist silos’ to the sunny uplands of customer awareness requires fortitude and leadership. It is certainly not for the feint of heart.
4. Why What Who Where When How
5. Why What Who Where When How
When? What are you waiting for? You do not really want to go down the road of Kodak, Nokia and Blackberry? Surely. The customers have changed. Have you? Or is the management team doing the same old same old? Light the fire. Make a noise. If you don’t you know all to well what will be next.
6. Why What Who Where When How
It is not top down, strategy driven. This is the easiest of all. It starts with you. The messages you relate. The language you use. The people you influence. Every conversation and internal exchange is an opportunity to win hearts and minds. Is it tough? Yes of course it is, however was anything ever worth doing easy? The choice is yours.