- Outside-In is a philosophy and method of managing an organization by understanding and delivering Successful Customer Outcomes.
- Outside-In Process optimizes value-delivery to customers. By fusing customer-driven process with customer-centric strategies, O-I creates successful customer outcomes (SCOs) – the foundation for achieving sustainable growth and profitability in an increasingly buyer-driven marketplace.
Of course everything evolves 🙂
We have the annual updater webinar soon (click here) and this year there are more than 50 specific advances to the techniques and tools, derived from organizations across all sectors. The webinar is interactive and limited in attendance so if you wish to join move swiftly.
You may wish to remind yourself of some of the fundamentals that underpin Outside In thinking and practice. If so review these 2-5 minute vids:
- Business Process Management – what is it? http://youtu.be/NO54KXxTp9I
- Moments of Truth – what are they? http://youtu.be/OT_2cqMtrU
- Breakpoints and Business Rules? http://youtu.be/_8KSN_McWIg
- Successful Customer Outcomes (SCO’s) http://youtu.be/u4keI_kmdxM
- Voice of Customer? http://youtu.be/bTbHrxi1Vq4
PS. Prefer in class attendance either open or inhouse? Review http://www.bpmrus.com
There are eight levels including Certified Process Practitioner, Professional, Master, Advanced Master & Champion.